Scripture: Luke 17:4-5 "If your brother trespass against you seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turns again to you saying, I repent; you shall forgive him. And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith."
As Jesus was teaching about forgiveness and the necessity to forgive again and again, His disciples asked Him to increase their faith. The two main things in this context of scripture is faith and forgiveness, for it takes faith to forgive. Jesus responded by telling them that they only needed a little faith as a grain of a mustard seed. He said that with a small amount of faith, they could tell the sycamine tree to be plucked up and cast into the sea, and it would obey. The sycamine tree was known for its particularly strong roots and was regarded as almost impossible to be uprooted. Yet with just a little faith, even the roots of bitterness and unforgiveness could be uprooted and cast into the sea.
In verse one, Jesus says that it is impossible for offenses to never come. We live in an imperfect world and at some point in time, we will offend others as well as be offended by them. Misunderstandings will happen, views and opinions will clash, and actions will be disappointing. Time and time again, our feelings will be hurt and our hearts will be broken by those we love. Jesus let us know that even though repeated offenses are frustrating, we must always forgive. In another scripture, Jesus told Peter to forgive seventy times seven, which equals four hundred and ninety times (Matthew 18:22). Four hundred and ninety times is a lot of forgiving, but Jesus was stressing the point that regardless of what is happening, we can't allow offenses to take root in our heart. If offenses take root, they will become like the roots of a sycamine tree, strong and almost impossible to deal with.
Matthew 6:15 says, "If we do not forgive others, we also cannot be forgiven by our Father in Heaven." The unforgiving spirit and bitterness caused by the offenses that we harbor in our hearts will make it impossible for us to receive forgiveness from God. It does take faith to forgive in the manner that Jesus described, but forgiveness is a choice. It is also God's law and it works. You must trust that your offender's repentance is true and you must forgive them, and forgive them, and forgive them, and then continue to forgive. You must exercise your faith to forgive, seventy times seven if necessary. So at the first sign of offense, use the little faith that you have and forgive.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love

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