Water Through The Word

Faith Filled Thoughts
August 28th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Faith Filled thoughts released Monday -Friday
Water Through The Word
Scripture: Psalms 1:2 "His delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His law does he meditate day and night.
"The blessed man is one who does two things concerning God's Word. He delights in God's Word and he continually meditates on it. When one delights in the Word of God, he finds it valuable and he purposely sets about to understand the precepts, meanings, and intents of the words that come from God's heart. The Word brings him pleasure and the fresh insights thrill his soul and bring light and life to his being.
Meditate means to murmur, imagine, study, talk, or make plans in the mind. It means to roll a thought over and over in the mind until it becomes smooth and acceptable. When we read or hear a promise of God, it is important to process that thought by rolling it over in our spirit until it begins to speak to us. Light and revelation will come into our spirits, causing life and fruitfulness. His Word will then take hold of our imaginations and begin to transform our thoughts. We begin to imagine change and then start making plans in our minds to bring about those changes. Because we are conforming to God's Word and His Will, He causes us to prosper like a tree that is planted by rivers of water.
Like Water Through The Word!
We tend to do this process all the time in the negative realm. It is called "worry." For instance, we hear a negative report concerning our health or finances and we begin to roll that thought over and over in our minds until it becomes a reality. Our aches, pains, and lack of funds begin to speak into our minds until we imagine ourselves sick or bankrupt. We start to murmur, complain, and make plans for the worse to happen. We meditate and roll the negative thoughts over in our minds until they become smooth and acceptable to our spirits. These negative thoughts then begin to take life as we enable them to kill, steal, and destroy our faith. The Word of God never tells us to dwell on the negative. In fact Jesus said, "Don't take any anxious thought about the needs for tomorrow." Don't let worry become a habit. James 4:7 tells us to "resist the devil and he will flee." We must resist the negative and meditate on the positive word of God. When we exchange worry for the meditation of God's word, we become like trees that are planted by the rivers of living water and whatever we do will prosper.
Like Water Through The Word
Water Through The Word
By Connie Ciccone
For my dear friend Erin Campbell
Like sand flows through an hour glass, and Gods
Light bestows the day,
The Water Through The Word ,will guide us on our way.
It pours down upon us, like water through a stream,
Passion I never knew before, it’s fruits just overwhelming.
He said the water that I give you, you shall never thirst again,
Because the Water Through The Word was never made by man.
He said to all who believeth in me, shall flow rivers of living water,
The Water Through The Word, he has given to his daughters.
So I’m going to the river, will you come with me to Drink?
We will sit and listen peacefully to Erin Campbell’s Radio Link.
We’ll Pray with all blessings , that Water Through The Word,
Will bring those to salvation through repenting and confessing.
Your Water Through The Word
Please visit my dear friends website
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
Like Water Through The Word
Water Through The Word
By Connie Ciccone
For my dear friend Erin Campbell
Like sand flows through an hour glass, and Gods
Light bestows the day,
The Water Through The Word ,will guide us on our way.
It pours down upon us, like water through a stream,
Passion I never knew before, it’s fruits just overwhelming.
He said the water that I give you, you shall never thirst again,
Because the Water Through The Word was never made by man.
He said to all who believeth in me, shall flow rivers of living water,
The Water Through The Word, he has given to his daughters.
So I’m going to the river, will you come with me to Drink?
We will sit and listen peacefully to Erin Campbell’s Radio Link.
We’ll Pray with all blessings , that Water Through The Word,
Will bring those to salvation through repenting and confessing.
Your Water Through The Word
Please visit my dear friends website
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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