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Welcome to Faith Filled Thoughts. Every day Connie Ciccone will post a thought given to her from our Lord and Savior. Please feel free to leave comments for any post that might have touched you in some way. That is what is all about. Helping each other find the faith needed to make it day to day. This all is possible through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

God Has a Lifetime Heart-Warranty

Faith Filled Thoughts
May 28th, 2009
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God Has a Lifetime Heart-Warranty

1Peter 5:7 “Casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you.”

We’ve had workers in our house hammering, banging, scraping, and fixing things for the past two years.
It’s been so noisy! I’ve really missed having my home office to myself and being able to leave when I need to.In the midst of the clamoring and interruptions, I’ve been telling myself to be thankful.
This morning while I was running, I asked God to help me have a good attitude about all the interruptions.
I knew it would help if I had a grateful heart, so I decided to thank God.I thanked Him for helping us notice the leaking toilet the gap behind our counter tops, the leaky faucet in the bathroom, the loose carpet, and creaking floors.
I was especially grateful that He helped me see the hairline fractures in our bathroom, kitchen and laundry room tile, which I almost missed.
My prayers transitioned from my house to my heart as I asked God to show me areas of my life that needed repair.
He reminded me of hurt feelings from a difficult conversation, disappointment and broken trust from my sister’s disobedience,
grief for a friend whose husband committed adultery and deep concern for another friend with cancer. I hadn’t realized all that was bothering me.
Walking through each room in my heart, God showed me that I had my own brokenness to address.
But He also reminded me that like my home-warranty, Christ has promised me a lifetime heart-warranty with unlimited repairs.
As I let that truth sink into my broken places, His comfort came. His Spirit ministered to mine as I exposed my hurts to Him.
I remembered Jesus’ promise to bind up the brokenhearted as I held up my heart and all that is in need of repair.
I finished my run and headed back to the house soon to be filled with repairmen.
Just before I got home, I smiled towards Heaven and thanked God for setting His seal of ownership on me, His lifetime heart-warranty, guaranteeing what is to come.
Each day, Jesus invites us to come to His throne of grace with confidence and ask Him to repair whatever is broken in our lives.
We don't have to wait for a scheduled walk-through. We don't have to make a list and coordinate any appointments, or even be at home for Him to do the work.
We can come to Him with full assurance knowing that He's available right now. Right where we are. With mercy and grace to help us in our time of need.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!

With Great Love

Please click below to see something Jesus left for your Spirit!:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love your story

May 29, 2009 at 6:08 AM  

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