Let’s Run Our Race With Endurance!

Faith Filled Thoughts
August 6th, 2009
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For a Special Friend Kenny
Let’s Run Our Race With Endurance!
"Therefore do not cast away your confidence,
which has great reward. For you have need of endurance.
So that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise." (Heb. 10:35 & 36)
As I listen to many Christians talk, it is quite obvious that they are discouraged.
They say, "I'm doing what I believe God wants me to do, but it is just not exciting.
I’m doing the same things "so & so" is doing, but my life is just not as exciting as theirs."
At this point they begin to talk about quitting the work that they believe God has called them to do.
It is true that some people start things for the wrong motives.
However, when we know that God has given us a particular race to run,
we have a responsibility to resist discouragement and run that race with endurance until it is completed.
Webster’s defines to endure as: to put up with; to with stand, to continue in existence; last.
The Apostle Paul was a man who exemplified this definition.
He knew that his race was not going to be a sprint,
but a marathon and would require endurance much like a long distance runner.
I believe he had 3 characteristics which caused him to run his race with endurance.
1. He put God's word first place in his life.
2. He stayed with his call.
3. He embraced God ideas, not just good ideas.
Put God's Word First Place
Jesus said in Matt. 4:4 that our lives should be governed, "by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
Putting God's word first place is like building a house on a firm foundation which
never changes and will endure for many years even through the worst storms (see Mat. 7:24).
When the Apostle Paul was tempted to become discouraged during hard times in his life, he placed the Word of God
ahead of feelings and emotions about the situation.
Heb. 12:1-3 says: "Let us lay aside every weight and sin;
and let us run with endurance the race set before us looking unto Jesus; lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls."
Paul was looking to Jesus as his example.
In difficult times Paul asked himself, "What does God say about this situation?"
Then he let the word of God be the deciding factor about how he responded to the situation.
This attitude caused Paul to run with endurance and say with confidence,
"Now thanks be to God who always leads us to triumph in Christ." II Cor. 2:14.
This must also be our attitude and confession if we expect to win, so
Let’s Run Our Race With Endurance!
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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