Go To The Rock, Christ Jesus

Faith Filled Thoughts
January 27th, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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Go To The Rock, Christ Jesus
Scripture: Psalms 61:2 "When my heart is overwhelmed:
lead me to the rock that is higher than I."
Have you ever been overwhelmed by circumstances
and could not seem to find your way out?
You feel utterly overcome and upset by either the physical
or emotional forces that are coming against you.
You have no control over what is happening,
and there's seems to be no one to help you.
You feel like a vessel that is being engulfed and submerged
by the waves of the sea.
It's very frightening because you don't know what to do
at that present moment and certainly can't predict the future outcome.
King David was experiencing these same emotions when he wrote this psalm.
He was overcome but knew the answer for his dilemma.
He cried out to God in his overwhelming situation
and asked the Lord to lead him to the Rock that was higher than himself.
David knew that his physical strength was insufficient and
that he couldn't depend upon his own understanding.
He wanted help from the One whose ways were higher
than his own ways and whose thoughts were higher than his own thoughts.
He looked to the past and remembered that God
had always been there as his shelter and strong tower in times of distress.
In every situation, God had protected him from the fierce enemy.
In Psalm 142, David again spoke of his spirit being overwhelmed.
He poured out his complaints to the Lord and showed Him all of his trouble.
David said,
"No one will help me; no one cares a bit what happens to me ...
Lord, you are my only place of refuge."
Life presents us with many challenges and often overwhelming circumstances.
Like David, there will be times in our life
when there will be no one in the natural that we can turn to.
No one will want to listen to our problems or share our grief.
Yet, we can always go to the Rock of our salvation
and find our answers and comfort.
So, when you find yourself overwhelmed with life and its many battles,
remember that someone really does care your.
Then make every effort to find your way to the Rock, Christ Jesus,
and place your confidence in Him. Jesus is your only faithful refuge.
Go To The Rock, Christ Jesus
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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