This is our answer

Faith Filled Thoughts
January 4th, 2009
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This is our answer.
Scripture: Judges 6:13 "If the Lord is with us ..."
Have these two questions ever crossed your mind as you faced life's challenges?
We know the scriptures declare that Jesus is a miracle worker
and that He is the same today as He was yesterday.
He doesn't change and we believe that He can still heal, provide, and deliver.
We also know that Jesus will never leave us or forsake us.
Psalms twenty-three tells us that the Lord is our Shepherd and that we shall not want for any good thing.
He will cause us to lie down in green pastures and will lead us beside still waters.
He will even restore our soul and anoint our head with oil in the presence of our enemies.
He will calm the raging seas and speak peace to all of our storms.
We have nothing to fear because Jesus is our keeper.
These truths fill our heart, yet when things are not working
out the way they should for us,
the same questions that Gideon asked come to our mind.
"If the Lord is with me, why is this happening?
If He is my provider, why don't I have enough money to pay my bills?
If the Lord is leading me beside still waters,
why do I have all of this turmoil going on in my life?
Why won't my car start or why did the tires go flat?
If the Lord is with me, where are all of His miracles?
If Jesus is my healer, why is my body wracked with pain
or why did my love one die instead of being healed?"
We can all agree that life does offer some discouraging moments.
Fear does attack.
Hardships do come.
Grief and sorrow happen to the best of us and things do not always work out
as we had hoped or planned.
There are times when we can't feel God's presence even though He is very near.
There are days of darkness as well as days of light
and there are seasons of sadness as well as times of great joy.
To be sure there are times of confusion, and although
we do not always have the answer to all of the questions in our life,
we must trust God and believe His word.
In midst of Gideon's fearful situation,
the same questions that Gideon asked come to our mind.
"If the Lord is with me, why is this happening?
If He is my provider, why don't I have enough money to pay my bills?
If the Lord is leading me beside still waters,
why do I have all of this turmoil going on in my life?
Why won't my car start or why did the tires go flat?
If the Lord is with me, where are all of His miracles?
If Jesus is my healer, why is my body wracked with pain
or why did my love one die instead of being healed?"
We can all agree that life does offer some discouraging moments.
Fear does attack.
Hardships do come.
Grief and sorrow happen to the best of us and things do not always work out
as we had hoped or planned.
There are times when we can't feel God's presence even though He is very near.
There are days of darkness as well as days of light
and there are seasons of sadness as well as times of great joy.
To be sure there are times of confusion, and although
we do not always have the answer to all of the questions in our life,
we must trust God and believe His word.
In midst of Gideon's fearful situation,
the Lord promised him peace and life (Verse 23).
But God also told him to go into battle again
st the enemy and tear down their idols of worship.
Gideon still had fear in his soul when he chose
But God also told him to go into battle again
st the enemy and tear down their idols of worship.
Gideon still had fear in his soul when he chose
to believe and receive the word of the Lord
. Yet in the midst of everything that was going on,
Gideon built an altar and called it Jehovah-Shalom,
which means the God of peace.
He stopped everything that he was do
ing and worshiped the Lord.
He laid his fear and insecurities at the feet of the God of peace.
This is our answer.
We don't have to know why adversity is challenging our life
or where our deliverance is at the moment.
All that we must do is lay our fears and insecurities on the altar
of Jehovah-Shalom, our God of peace,
for He is good and He is faithful all of the time.
He has a good plan for our lives and we have nothing to fear.
We should never question,
"If the Lord is with us",
but to believe His words and confess in faith,
"The Lord is with us!."
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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. Yet in the midst of everything that was going on,
Gideon built an altar and called it Jehovah-Shalom,
which means the God of peace.
He stopped everything that he was do
ing and worshiped the Lord.
He laid his fear and insecurities at the feet of the God of peace.
This is our answer.
We don't have to know why adversity is challenging our life
or where our deliverance is at the moment.
All that we must do is lay our fears and insecurities on the altar
of Jehovah-Shalom, our God of peace,
for He is good and He is faithful all of the time.
He has a good plan for our lives and we have nothing to fear.
We should never question,
"If the Lord is with us",
but to believe His words and confess in faith,
"The Lord is with us!."
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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