Grassroots sweeping the nation

Faith Filled Thoughts
April 8th 2010
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The Grassroots sweeping the nation
In Prayer
Psalm 50:15
“And call upon me in the day of trouble;
I will deliver you, and you will honor me”
There’s a deep wave of grassroots giving back sweeping the country.
A surge of people across all age groups is volunteering like never before.
But giving back doesn’t mean that you don’t get anything in return.
Helping others reach us for a new day rejuvenates us in ways
that another margarita-soaked vacation, more stuff, a fatter resume,
or a supersized house can’t begin to.
We want to feel useful.
We want to find meaning.
We want to feel this alive and on fire with possibility.
Here are some ways serving others can serve you
from finding your true calling to improving your health
to boosting your overall sense of joy.
One of the greatest things any of us can do in life is reach out
and do a good deed for another human being.
Whether it means offering your love and compassion,
or making a charitable donation of time,
energy or money, there are many ways
to bring sunshine into the lives of others.
Prayer can be rich when it's simple and spontaneous.
In fact, we can pray anywhere, at any time.
It doesn't require lofty language in a sacred space.
All we need to do is see our ordinary moments
as the perfect occasions for communicating with God,
then speak from our heart.
A Prayer for Resting in God's Love
Father God, I come into your presence so aware of my human frailty
and yet overwhelmed by your love for me.
I thank you that there is no human experience
that I might walk through where your love cannot reach me.
If I climb the highest mountain you are there
and yet if I find myself in the darkest valley of my life,
you are there.
Teach me today to love you more.
Help me to rest in that love that asks nothing more
than the simple trusting heart of a child.
In Jesus name,
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
Pastor Connie
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