Allow Him To Lead Us By His Spirit

Scripture: Psalms 1:1 (NIV) "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly, or stand in the way of the sinners, or sit in the seat of the scornful."
This psalm gives us the characteristics of the man that is blessed and speaks of his righteous behavior and of his fruitfulness. A blessed man "does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly." In other words, he doesn't lean upon the world's system, but instead looks to God for wisdom (James 1:5). The blessed man makes Jesus his Wonderful Counselor, for the Spirit of wisdom and understanding rests upon Jesus (Isaiah 9:6). We are blessed when we are able to trust the One who has these attributes and when we allow Him to lead us by His Spirit. As we listen to His still small voice, we will hear Him speak words of wisdom concerning all the matters that we do not understand.
This psalm gives us the characteristics of the man that is blessed and speaks of his righteous behavior and of his fruitfulness. A blessed man "does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly." In other words, he doesn't lean upon the world's system, but instead looks to God for wisdom (James 1:5). The blessed man makes Jesus his Wonderful Counselor, for the Spirit of wisdom and understanding rests upon Jesus (Isaiah 9:6). We are blessed when we are able to trust the One who has these attributes and when we allow Him to lead us by His Spirit. As we listen to His still small voice, we will hear Him speak words of wisdom concerning all the matters that we do not understand.
Second, the blessed man "does not stand in the way of sinners." He doesn't visit or hang out in the places where sinners go so that he doesn't put himself in the position to compromise his convictions in a moment of pressure. George Washington warned us that, "Bad company corrupts good behavior." We often become whom we are with, so we must turn ourselves away from enticing situations.
Third, the man who is blessed "does not sit in the seat of the scornful." David refused to sit with the wicked (Psalms 26:5) and Jeremiah, the prophet, chose to sit alone because the hand of the Lord was upon him. He had rather be by himself than to sit in the assembly of the mockers (Jeremiah 15:17). There are times we must choose to separate ourselves from negative influences if we want to be blessed by God. Notice that the scorner or the mocker was listed with the wicked and sinner.
And fourth, the blessed man "delights in the law of the Lord and meditates in God's word day and night." He continually thinks on the word, rolling it over and over in his mind and spirit until it speaks God's wisdom to him. One of David's prayers was that the meditations of his heart would be acceptable to God. This should also be our prayer if we desire to fall into the category of the blessed. When the psalmist spoke of the blessed man, he listed four results that would occur in our lives when we meditate upon God's Word and allow it to rule our heart.
"1) Stability - "He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water.)
"2) Fruitfulness - "He shall bring forth fruit in his season.
"3) Beauty - "His leaf shall not wither.
"4) Prosperity - "Whatever he does shall prosper."
If you want to be blessed in this manner then stay planted by the rivers of water.
Draw your strength from the Lord and do not walk,
stand, or sit in places or with people that will distort God's Word
and draw you away from the Living Water.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
If you want to be blessed in this manner then stay planted by the rivers of water.
Draw your strength from the Lord and do not walk,
stand, or sit in places or with people that will distort God's Word
and draw you away from the Living Water.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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