Are You Covered In Love?

Faith Filled Thoughts
August 11th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Faith Filled thoughts released (mon –fri)
Are You Covered In Love?
August 11th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Faith Filled thoughts released (mon –fri)
Are You Covered In Love?
Scripture: Colossians 3:14 (NIV) "Above all these virtues put on love."
As followers and disciples of Christ, our lives should be very different from those who do not profess to know or have a personal relationship with the Lord. In everything that we do or that we say, we should be reflecting the virtues of Christ. Each day before we meet the world that we live in, we should clothe ourselves with His characteristics, which are holiness, humility, kindness, mercy, and forgiveness, and above all of these virtues, the Apostle Paul told us to put on love. Without love we are not fully dressed.
Paul said that love is the most important attribute that we must have in our lives because it binds everything together in harmony. All of the other virtues and faith, itself, are set in motion and work because of love. When love is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, it brings God's holiness into our lives. Because of our great love for God, we do not want to do evil against Him, and because we love others we do not want to harm them in any way. Love causes us to perform pure acts of kindness, show mercy, and extend forgiveness. You cannot express love and be unkind or impatience at the same time. Neither can hate and bitterness dwell in the same vessel where there is love. It just will not work, for when there is love, it will rule supreme.
Love goes beyond human comprehension and can't be explained or ignored. You can never admonish others for the love that is in their hearts because love is a commandment from God. He told us to love Him with all of our hearts and to love our neighbors as ourselves. There were to be no exceptions, not even for our enemies or those who did evil against us. Love was designed by God to make the greatest sacrifices and cover a multitude of sin. We are told to put on love because it is a matter of choice and conscious effort. Love matches everything and is always appropriate and essential in every situation. We are to wear it as our outside garment everywhere we go. The first thing that others should see as we approach them is our covering of love. Jesus said, "By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love one to another" (John 13:35). As you look yourself in the mirror before you start each day, remember to check your spiritual garments and above all make sure that you have put on love.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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