Faith Filled Thoughts
July 28, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Faith Filled thoughts released (mon –fri )
Scripture: Deuteronomy 8:18 "But you shall remember the Lord your God: for it is He that gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant ...."
These words spoken by Moses make two things very clear concerning finances and blessings. First, Moses identifies the Lord our God as being the source of our wealth. He instructs us to remember the Lord, for He is the One who gives us the power to gain wealth. We have nothing that did not come from His gracious hands. We may think that we earned it all but the truth is that He gave us the abilities and He placed us in positions to gain our wealth. If you think about it, the power to get wealth is worth more than the wealth itself, for wealth in itself can be lost in a moment's time. We have witnessed this truth recently throughout the world as the tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and fires have suddenly destroyed the possessions of many. Their wealth failed as they lost their possessions, but the power to get wealth will enable them to regain everything that they lost, for God is able to restore all things and cause all things to work together for good in their lives.
Second, Moses states the purpose for our wealth and blessings is so that God can establish His covenant with His people. This is much the same as the unspoken covenant that we have with our own children. When they are born, we become committed to provide their food, clothing, allow them their special place at the family table, and meet their emotional needs. As they grow and continue to mature, we allow them other special opportunities such as the privilege of driving the car. As the parent, we are the source of their blessings and we share those blessings with them simply because they are our children and we love them.
God feels the same towards us. Yet our prosperity is never about us, but about what God wants to do with us, for we are only stewards of the material blessings that God bestows upon us. Remember that God's wish is that you prosper and be in health and this will happen as you first seek God's kingdom. As your soul prospers, God's blessings will come upon you so that He can use you to establish His covenant in the Earth. That means sharing with those who have nothing and who are not gifted with the power to gain wealth for themselves. God is never limited by our circumstances, but we must understand that contrary to everyone's wishes, not everyone is going to be rich in this world's goods, for Jesus, Himself, said that you will have the poor with you always. If you really want to be blessed with the power to gain wealth, then begin to be a blessing to those about you and seek to meet the needs of others. God will see your compassion and faithfulness. Even the smallest gift that you share to establish His covenant in the Earth will become a seed that will reap a harvest in your own life so that He can give you more to share.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
July 28, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Faith Filled thoughts released (mon –fri )
Scripture: Deuteronomy 8:18 "But you shall remember the Lord your God: for it is He that gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant ...."
These words spoken by Moses make two things very clear concerning finances and blessings. First, Moses identifies the Lord our God as being the source of our wealth. He instructs us to remember the Lord, for He is the One who gives us the power to gain wealth. We have nothing that did not come from His gracious hands. We may think that we earned it all but the truth is that He gave us the abilities and He placed us in positions to gain our wealth. If you think about it, the power to get wealth is worth more than the wealth itself, for wealth in itself can be lost in a moment's time. We have witnessed this truth recently throughout the world as the tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and fires have suddenly destroyed the possessions of many. Their wealth failed as they lost their possessions, but the power to get wealth will enable them to regain everything that they lost, for God is able to restore all things and cause all things to work together for good in their lives.
Second, Moses states the purpose for our wealth and blessings is so that God can establish His covenant with His people. This is much the same as the unspoken covenant that we have with our own children. When they are born, we become committed to provide their food, clothing, allow them their special place at the family table, and meet their emotional needs. As they grow and continue to mature, we allow them other special opportunities such as the privilege of driving the car. As the parent, we are the source of their blessings and we share those blessings with them simply because they are our children and we love them.
God feels the same towards us. Yet our prosperity is never about us, but about what God wants to do with us, for we are only stewards of the material blessings that God bestows upon us. Remember that God's wish is that you prosper and be in health and this will happen as you first seek God's kingdom. As your soul prospers, God's blessings will come upon you so that He can use you to establish His covenant in the Earth. That means sharing with those who have nothing and who are not gifted with the power to gain wealth for themselves. God is never limited by our circumstances, but we must understand that contrary to everyone's wishes, not everyone is going to be rich in this world's goods, for Jesus, Himself, said that you will have the poor with you always. If you really want to be blessed with the power to gain wealth, then begin to be a blessing to those about you and seek to meet the needs of others. God will see your compassion and faithfulness. Even the smallest gift that you share to establish His covenant in the Earth will become a seed that will reap a harvest in your own life so that He can give you more to share.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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