Are You Humble Enough To Help Your Friends?

Faith Filled Thoughts
September 9th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Are You Humble Enough To Help Your Friends?
Scripture: Isaiah 35:3 "Strengthen the weak hands and make firm the feeble knees."
In this passage, the prophet instructed us to bring cheer to the discouraged and to encourage the fearful of heart to be strong and not to fear, for God would save them. He said to strengthen the weak and feeble ones and tell them that God is coming with vengeance to destroy their enemy. These words of encouragement and our acts of kindness are meant to bring hope and strength to the weakest warrior and give courage to the most fearful heart.
When the Amalekites came to fight against the Israelites, Moses went to the top of the hill with the staff in his hands that he had previously used to do mighty miracles. God had told him to use the staff to bring several plagues on the Egyptians, to part the Red Sea, to cause the waters of the sea to swallow up the armies of the Pharaoh, and to strike the rock, which brought forth water for the thirsty people. The staff was still working, for the Israelites won the battle as long as Moses was able to hold the rod in the air, but when he had to lower his hands to rest, the Amalekites prevailed. When Moses finally became too tired to stand and too weary to hold up the rod any longer, Aaron and Hur came to the rescue. They placed a stone underneath Moses so that he could sit down and then stood on each side of him and lifted his arms as he continued to hold the rod. Because of this joint venture, the Israelites were able to win the battle.
Aaron and Hur may have thought that Moses could do it all by himself because they had witnessed so many miracles by his hands and Moses may have felt that he had everything under control. Sometimes, we forget to pray and uphold those whom we think are more spiritual than ourselves because we think that they have it all together. Other times, we think that we are strong enough to stand alone, but the truth is that we all need each other. Even Jesus had His close friends and associates. He had the seventy that He sent out to witness for Him and His twelve disciples that stayed near Him as He ministered to the multitudes. Among those twelve, He had Peter, James, and John, the three who were closer to Him and who shared special experiences with Him. Then Jesus had John, the one whom He loved the most. These men ministered to Jesus in special ways even while He was teaching them and making them strong in the faith.
We should never be beyond helping or being helped, for God never designed man to be alone. He gave us each other so that we could encourage and give strength to one another, for our life's battles require allies. Let us be humble enough to look to others when we need help and to look for those that we can help.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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