Now Is The Time To Pray

Faith Filled Thoughts
October 24th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays
Now Is The Time To Pray
Scripture: I Samuel 2:30 "Those who honor Me, I will honor."
God's words are very powerful and His promises are very sure. In a few brief words, He states very plainly His intentions to make a distinction between those who honor Him and those who don't. He says that those who honor Him will be honored by Him. Throughout the scriptures we see this principle at work. When the righteous ruled a nation, the nation prospered and had victory in its battles. But when the wicked ruled a nation, the nation suffered defeat and reproach. Time and time again, this scene repeated itself like a broken record. Those nations that did not honor God failed and those that did honor Him became strong and were lifted up. God always showed Himself to be on the side of those who trusted in Him and He stood beside those who declared Him to be the Lord of their lives.
God and God alone has the ability to elevate and exalt a nation. We are a blessed people because He has chosen to do that for this country. Our foundation was structured in righteousness by godly men. Our pledge of allegiance states, "One Nation Under God" and our coins still inscribe our declaration of faith, "In God We Trust." Many have died on our behalf so that we could live in a nation with religious freedom and hold to these beliefs and truths. Let us remember our heritage and consider our future today as we pray for this great nation. God has been our refuge and strength in the past because we have chosen Him as Lord over America. The future is now before us and God will continue to exalt our nation as we honor Him in righteousness.
God and God alone has the ability to elevate and exalt a nation. We are a blessed people because He has chosen to do that for this country. Our foundation was structured in righteousness by godly men. Our pledge of allegiance states, "One Nation Under God" and our coins still inscribe our declaration of faith, "In God We Trust." Many have died on our behalf so that we could live in a nation with religious freedom and hold to these beliefs and truths. Let us remember our heritage and consider our future today as we pray for this great nation. God has been our refuge and strength in the past because we have chosen Him as Lord over America. The future is now before us and God will continue to exalt our nation as we honor Him in righteousness.
We need a National Day of Prayer for the United States of America and the scripture we are using for this devotional is the theme for this prayer request. This devotional goes to many nations throughout the world and I encourage all of you to pray for your nation as we are praying for our nation. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ, regardless of our nationality. Let us remember that God is no respecter of persons and His promise is meant for all people. The Lord is faithful and He will honor you and your nation as you honor Him.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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