Seed Time and Harvest

Faith Filled Thoughts
October 22nd, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays
Scripture: Genesis 8:22 "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease."
From the very beginning of time, God set irrevocable laws into motion. One of those laws is that there would always be seed time and harvest. God has established a season to plant and also a season for us to enjoy the fruits of all of our labors. It is as sure as the night that follows the day or the promise of summer and winter. Another part of that law is that we will reap what we sow We can't plant a bean seed and hope for a corn crop any more than we can plant an orange seed and expect to produce an apple tree. Seeds are limited to the laws of nature and respond to the commands of God. In the beginning, when God created the Earth and everything in it, He spoke to every plant and told them to bring forth after their own kind, and that law is still in force today. God's eternal word still controls the harvest.
The law of seed time and harvest sounds so simple, but many times we fail to remember that it works just as well in the spiritual realm as it does in the physical realm. The Apostle Paul spoke to the church in Galatia and said, "Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap." The Amplified Bible makes a firmer statement saying, "that and that only is what he will reap." When we think about Paul's words, we must consider more carefully what we sow, for every deed that we do and every word that we speak is going to bring forth a harvest after its own kind. Even the thoughts that we allow ourselves to think will eventually bear some kind of fruit, for every kind action starts with a kind thought and every evil action starts with an evil thought.
Another law of seed time and harvest is that there is a space of time before the seeds begin to produce a harvest. Seeds are placed in the ground and hidden from view and for several weeks it looks as though nothing is happening. And then suddenly, life springs forth from the ground and whatever has been planted will make its way through the soil and expose itself. Sometimes the seeds lay dormant and the crop is slow in coming. Three years ago, I planted a yellow rose bush in my flowerbed. I was very disappointed the first year because they did not bloom. I thought they were totally lost so I just forgot about them. The next year, to my surprise, a few of them came up and bloomed. Finally, the third year, I had a large harvest of yellow roses. It was slow but the promised harvest did come. The same is true with the spiritual seeds that we sow We may not see immediate results for the good or bad seed that we have sown, but we can be sure that ultimately there will be a harvest. We may even think that we are getting away with sowing bad seed, but when we least expect it, our seed will yield fruit and it will be according to the kind of seed that we have planted. Our good deeds will produce rewards and our sins will surely find us out. Let us keep these thoughts in our minds and remember that every choice is a seed. For that reason, we must be careful to sow only what we want to reap, for a harvest will surely follow our seed time.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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