Do You Put God In A Box?

Faith Filled Thoughts
October 2nd, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Do You Put God In A Box?
Only To Bring Him Out When You Need Him!
Scripture: Matthew 6:26 (NIV) "Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"
I stood at the edge of the seawall near the beach one day and held up a piece of bread in my hand. There was not a single bird in sight, but within a few seconds they began to flock around me. I was amazed when I realized that these birds were able to find the unexpected provisions that were being offered to them. I wondered at the event, as they were too far away to smell the bread in the midst of the ocean breeze and were not close enough to see it. Yet, God had led them to their provisions. To me, this was a natural occurrence, but for the birds it may have seemed a miracle. This incident was not the norm for them as they usually found their food along the beaches or in the ocean itself. In reality, this was God fulfilling His promise, for He said that He would always provide for them, and on this particular day He chose to surprise them with something different.
God's provisions for us are no less natural and no less miraculous than that of the birds. Everything that we have or will ever have comes from His gracious hand, and like the birds of the air God causes us to reap where we have not sown. When we put our trust in Him and seek His kingdom first, He promises that all that we need will be added to us. We are not to be anxious or worried about anything for He said that we are much more valuable than the birds. When we consider this fact, we have to conclude that God is watching over us continually and knows our every need. Most of the time He will use the earth and our natural faculties to meet our needs, but we must not put God in a box and forget that He is the creator. Often He will cause our blessings to come to us in uncertain and unfamiliar ways to let us know that He is God and that He is not limited by our usual circumstances. He is full of surprises and can do new things!
In Psalms 50:11 God says, "I know all the birds of the mountains." He doesn't just know some of them; He declared that He knows all of them. Even a small sparrow doesn't fall to the ground without His knowledge (Matthew 10:27). If God knows all the birds, He also knows you and cares for you. As you face today, seek God's kingdom in all that you do and rest in His promise of provision. His provisions will always reflect His glory, for He will meet all of your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). He will cause someone to stand on the seawall of your life, if necessary, to manifest His power and to give you something new and fresh. God desires to feed you and clothe you in radiant colors as He does the birds because He values you and delights when you are able to soar in the beauty that He has ordained for you.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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