Faith Filled Thoughts
June 2nd, 2009
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Please See the Poem From My Sister Bonnie
I am completely Tapped Out to Help Her.
If You Feel It In Your Heart To Help Her
Or to send a note of encouragement.
My Sincere Thanks will Be More Than I can Say!
Please send anything You Can
To: Bonnie Bushelman
P O Box 32156 Cincinnati, Ohio 45232
May He Bless You
Connie Ciccone
I hate this time of year
When families get together,
To celebrate love and thanks
To their loving caring mother.
I brought them in the world
I cared I loved I nurtured,
Then when day they grew up
They deprived me of their future.
Our home was filled with noise
Of yelling running and playing,
I fed, clothed and bathed them
I knelt with them when praying.
I taught them all their manners
Proper etiquette at the table,
To respect women and all elders
To open doors for those unable.
I never had to whip them
I never would or could,
They tested me so many times
The antics them boys pulled.
I fixed their cuts when they fell
I wiped their tears away,
The first time they drove my car
I'd pray they return okay.
I wonder if they remember
All the good times we all had,
I never would have dreamed
They'd leave me for their dad.
Why did they leave the one
Who gave all she could give,
When in-laws had demanded
Not to let them babies live.
The strength them babies gave
When growing inside of me,
How could these proclaimed Catholics
Want me to kill my unborn baby!
I did refuse to marry
Because I was with child,
We loved each other dearly
I decided to wait awhile.
We did things out of order
Baby - house - then married,
We lived we loved we laughed
And three more boys I carried.
People use to tell me
When your boys are grown,
If anyone hurts their mom
They'll break their every bone.
Now all I have is memories
Of how they loved their mom,
I cry all day and pray all night
They return before I'm gone.
So many days turned to months
Then months turn into years,
I'm weak I’m sick and worried
My strength gone with tears.
I gave them all that I had
God sees this from above,
They know I have no money
But I still have lots of love.
I now will face the shame
I'll soon be all alone,
My baby now will leave
The bank will take my home.
I could not get a job
Three surgeries I do need,
Unable to stand, or close my hand
And now I cannot see.
I just saw on the news
This wonderful man did give,
Millions to a public school
And all I want is to live.?
I have a guardian angel
Who helps me all she can,
My wonderful loving sister
I'm ashamed to ask again.
I thank God every day
She's well, happy, and godly,
I pray for her and all my kids
They all stay safe and healthy.
But I can’t go on begging
I've gotten too far behind,
Shame and guilt is all I am
I just need some peace of mind.
Considering going away
To leave my life behind me,
I love my baby I have tried
I hope that he forgives me.
I thought he'd live with his dad
Just like all of his brothers,
I knew he loved me when he said
"No way, I love my mother!"
So will you all please pray
Would you give whatever you can?
To enable us to keep our home
So I can watch one grow a man.
He said to me the other day
I knew he spoke the truth,
"Don’t worry mom, three more years
I'll then take care of you"
I could not even swallow
I would not let tears flow,
This loving unplanned blessing
Is a Gift from God I know!
He does not ask for much
He has just this one goal,
To finish school to help his mom
He wrote in school I'm told.
I don’t think he will want
To live without his mom,
I know this gift from God
Will last a life time long.
He was just a little boy
A very young age of ten,
When his safe, happy home
Came abruptly to an end.
He since had some bad days
He'd seem so very sad,
Jealous that his brothers.
Had both a mom and dad.
I let him see his dad
Anytime he felt the need,
"Its not the same" he'd say
My heart would ache and bleed.
Dad taught them about tools
you both would tuck us in,
We all ate supper together
I'm mad he made it end.
And now that he is older
I recall his every word,
If I'm now the one who leaves
He won’t recover from the hurt.
He won’t have anyone
To tell his troubles to,
He'll never trust another
Without me he'll die soon.
He yet has no idea
That I'm so very stressed,
Cuts grass for extra money
In school he does his best.
He takes care of our home
Both the inside and the out,
I let him know every single day
He makes me very proud.
I really have no friends
He too is all alone,
That’s ok, we have each other
In our quaint brick Tudor home.
Would u please help us stay
And if you cannot give
Pray for us would u please
So together we can live.
What I can give back
Has no monetary value,
Something much much better
I will ALWAYS pray for you.
Thank you, and may God Bless You. Amen.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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