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Friday, August 7, 2009

Stay With "Your Call"

Faith Filled Thoughts
August 7th, 2009
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Stay With "Your Call"

The Bible contains the general will of God concerning man's salvation and benefits,
but it does not contain the specific call of God for our personal lives (i.e. where to work, who to marry).
We must ask God for direction in these areas. James 1: says, "If any one lacks wisdom let him ask of the Lord who gives to all liberally;".
If we are truly interested in God's will for our lives he will show us.
Once we know His will we should stay with that call no matter what the cost.
Because with that call that God has given us comes all the grace that we need to fulfill that call.
We live in what I call a "flash and hype" generation.
People scramble everywhere to purchase the newest addition of their favorite technology item,
simply because it is flashier than the model they have.
It is not necessarily wrong to have such things,
because God is a good father who wants to bless his children with nice things.
However, many times this "flash and Hype" attitude carries over into people's spiritual life.
As long as something is new and exciting many have no problem resisting discouragement,
but when they have to work long and hard without a lot of fanfare,
it is very easy to look around for newer and more exciting things to do.
At this point, it is also very easy to look around at other people and compare our race with other people's race.
We must resist this temptation.
II Cor. 10:12 says:
"But they measuring themselves by themselves and comparing themselves among themselves are not wise."

Everywhere Paul went, people continually tried to compare his race with the race of other people.
Paul was determined to stay with his call and not compare himself to other people.
Your call is very important in the plan of God.
Stay With "Your Call"

May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
Please click below to see something Jesus left for your Spirit!:


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