A Wounded Spirit Who Can Bear?

Faith Filled Thoughts
January 7th 2010
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A Wounded Spirit Who Can Bear?
Scripture: Proverbs 18:14 "The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity;
but a wounded spirit who can bear?
The spirit of a man is amazing.
It will rise up and sustain you when you are in physical pain or other trouble.
It will give birth to a determination that you didn't realize you had.
Your spirit will inspire you and assist you in conquering
the present adversity that challenges you.
It will tell you to keep going in spite of the difficulties,
and that you can make it.
You will find yourself taking courage and doing what you could not do before,
even fighting battles that you never thought possible.
Many people live through life-threatening illnesses
simply because when they heard the evil report that was issued against them,
their spirit came alive and rose up with a new
and exceptional strength that enabled them to fight for their life.
While it is true that your spirit will sustain you during your season
of infirmity or adverse situations, it is also true that it is difficult for one to rise up
when their spirit has been wounded, crushed, or broken.
Physical wounds usually come from without and are easy to understand and cope with,
but there are no simple bandages for a wounded spirit.
Wounds to the spirit are sudden blows,
and most of the time we don't see them coming, for they usually
come from those whom we love and trust the most.
This makes it hard to forget the incident or to forgive the one who inflicted the pain.
It may be years before reconciliation and restoration
of the relationship can be achieved,
for we tend to continually analyze the situation.
We are never quite sure how our loved one could have tread upon our heart
and transgressed our feeling in such a grievous manner.
It happens with our spouse, children, family, and friends.
An unexplained action or an innocent but insensitive remark
from someone we love can wound our spirit and this wound will be hard to bear.
Jesus knows and understands all that you are going through.
He understands how you can be wounded by rejection because
many rejected Him and His own disciples abandoned Him in the time of His greatest need.
He knew the tears of pain and sorrow as He grieved for His friend, Lazarus.
He understood how it felt to be misunderstood because
His own mother and brothers did not understand Him
and even declared that He was mad.
He was also wounded and hurt by the same people
that He ministered to and gave His life for.
Because He understands your feelings so well,
He came not only to dry the tears in your eyes,
but to also wipe them from your heart.
You do not have to bear your wounded spirit alone,
for He will bind up your wounds for you.
He will stay near you when your heart is broken
and continually apply the comforting healing balm of the Holy Spirit.
He will minister to your broken spirit by giving you
beauty for the ashes and disappointments of your life
. He will give you the oil of joy for mourning
and replace the heaviness that is in your soul with a garment of praise.
A wounded spirit ... who can bear? Only Jesus.
So, trust and lean upon Him.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
Please click below to see something Jesus left your Spirit!:
You do not have to bear your wounded spirit alone,
for He will bind up your wounds for you.
He will stay near you when your heart is broken
and continually apply the comforting healing balm of the Holy Spirit.
He will minister to your broken spirit by giving you
beauty for the ashes and disappointments of your life
. He will give you the oil of joy for mourning
and replace the heaviness that is in your soul with a garment of praise.
A wounded spirit ... who can bear? Only Jesus.
So, trust and lean upon Him.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
Please click below to see something Jesus left your Spirit!:
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