Take Up My Yoke And Be REFRESHED!”

Faith Filled Thoughts
April 9th 2010
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Take Up My Yoke And Be REFRESHED!”
For Daddy
Matthew 11:28-30
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me
, for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.
For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Do you ever feel so tired that you can hardly take another step?
There have been times in my life that I experienced these feelings.
As a young person I was taking a full college load
and working 48 hours a week as a waitress.
It makes me tired just to recall those days.
I averaged about 5 hours of sleep each day.
These days, I find it difficult to jump out of bed and place my feet upon the floor
At age 52.
Believe me young ones! At this age it feels like you need oiled
Just to get to the bathroom.
As I retired, I felt at last I could rest and enjoy painting and teaching
God’s Word.
I could hardly believe that the Lord would ask me to do more
than I was already doing, but in obedience
I volunteered to help take care of a lonely elderly women.
I cannot really explain the feeling, but the one thing I know
is that I suddenly felt more energy and strength than I had felt before.
The few hours of sleep I received refreshed me more than they had before,
and I was able to make a difference in many lonely lives in the nursing home,
that needed to hear about Jesus.
In coming obediently to the Lord I received renewed strength.
Humanly speaking, it does not make sense to take more responsibility
when I was so tired, but the Scripture is so very plain.
Those who are at ease are ignored.
It is the weary and burdened believers that Jesus invites to take on His Yoke.
If you feel that your load is crushing you down,
take His Yoke and you will feel His refreshing touch in your life.
Blessings dear hearts.
Draw near to God today,
trust Him completely and be a blessing!
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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