He Will Come Through For You!

Faith Filled Thoughts
September 10th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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He Will Come Through For You!
Scripture: I Kings 17:13 "Make me a cake first ... and bring it to me."
The prophet Elijah made a hard request to a widow in the time of famine. When he first saw her, she was out gathering up a few sticks so that she could make a fire in order to cook the last meal for her and her son. Elijah asked her to give him a little water to drink. This was the same prophet who had brought the famine into existence by prophesying that no rain would come for years. He declared that rain would only come according to his word, so in essence, he could end the famine at any time by his words. Instead of ending the famine, he made an extreme demand upon the widow, and while she was going to get his water, he asked her to also bring him a cake of bread. The widow only had a handful of meal and a little oil left in her provisions, but she obeyed his word and believed the promise that he made to her. He told her that her barrel of meal and cruse of oil would not fail until the day that the Lord sent rain upon the earth.
God often makes extreme demands upon us, but He never asks us to give that which we do not have and every request that He makes brings a blessing back to us. He exchanges the sacrifices that we make for the provisions that we need. Like the prophet, He says, "Make me a cake first and bring it to me, then I will sustain you throughout your particular famine." God tells us to forgive everyone for everything that they have done against us. This is for the benefit of our own soul as well as theirs, for it is only in forgiving that we can receive forgiveness ourselves. When we feel that no one cares for us and that there is a famine of love within our lives, He tells us to start showing our love and to include the unlovely, for as we love, love will be bestowed upon us. He tells us to give Him our past and all of its pain so that He can give us a future and a hope. Like the widow, He asks us to give when it seems that we have so little and His demands may seem extreme and selfish. Yet, in time, we come to understand that God's ways are overwhelmingly simple and that it is only as we give that we will receive.
You may be in extreme circumstances today in some area of your life and God may be telling you to give your all to Him. He may be saying forgive when it is not easy, love the unlovely, give me the pieces of your broken heart, or give what little you have materially to someone who needs it more than you do. God's purpose in asking you to give is not to take from you but to get you to a place where He can bless you more abundantly than you could ever imagine. He wants to exchange the small amount of meal and oil that you have in your hands for the bountiful blessing that He holds in His hands.
So trust Him and give Him a chance to prove Himself. He will come through for you!
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
With Great Love
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