Jesus Came To Seek The Lost Is This You?

Faith Filled Thoughts
September 19th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Jesus Came To Seek The Lost Is This You?
Scripture: Luke 19:5 Jesus said, "Zacchaeus ... come down for today I must abide at your house."
Zacchaeus was the chief among the publicans, meaning that he was over the other publicans who were tax collectors for the Romans. The publicans had very bad reputations, often abusing the tax system through extortion. Because of his position, Zacchaeus had become very rich, yet there was something lacking in his life. One day, he heard that Jesus was going to be passing by, and because Zacchaeus was little in statue, he climbed into a tree to get a better glimpse of Jesus. Can you imagine how Zacchaeus must have felt when Jesus stopped underneath the tree and spoke directly to him and called him by name?
This story is like many others in the Bible. It's a story of a man seeking God and at the same time a story of God seeking that same man. Zacchaeus was in the tree looking down when Jesus stopped and looked up. Even though Zacchaeus was probably trying to hide, Jesus knew exactly where he was physically and also spiritually. Jesus knew all of his secrets and was aware that he was caught in a web of deceit and greed. In His mercy and grace, Jesus told Zacchaeus that He intended to go to his house and eat that day. Jesus wanted to fellowship with the chief of the publicans. He wanted to sit at the table of a thief and for this, Jesus was criticized. Verse seven says, "When the people saw it, they murmured, saying, He has gone to be a guest with a man that is a sinner."
Jesus was always found seeking out those with needs, whether rich or poor. It was never difficult for Him to minister to the unclean and outcast. He had no problems reaching out and touching the diseased and those who were living in moral degradation. He continually left the religious folks and gave Himself to the prostitutes and the thieves. He forgot about the laws and it's harshness and allowed His heart to be tender towards the rejects of society. Verse ten says, "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost." He was looking for those who needed help and He continues that search today. He knows your secrets and where you are lacking. He knows where you are hiding and He also knows your name. He knows your desires and He is waiting for you to approach Him. Like Zacchaeus climbing a tree, when you diligently seek to make contact with Jesus
He will respond and invite Himself to come and abide with you.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
Let's Help Them Find Their Smile
By Connie Ciccone
Today Lord, as we walk along,
Please guide the words I say.
Oh, lead me to that special one,
That I may help today.
I know there must be lonely souls,
I know there must be lonely souls,
That need a special friend.
Someone who asked in fervent prayer,
For someone you may send.
Give me the perfect words to say,
Give me the perfect words to say,
To tell them of your love.
A greater love they have never known,
You Love From Up above.
Concern for them is in my heart,
Concern for them is in my heart,
I lift them up to you.
Oh, let them feel your precious love,
So they may know you too!
Please help me find the words to say,
Please help me find the words to say,
To make them feel worthwhile,
Then I know that you and I,
Have Helped Them Find Their Smile
Let's Help Them Find Their Smile
Ciccone © November 2003
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