Have You Ever Been Betrayed?

Faith Filled Thoughts
September 22nd, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Have You Ever Been Betrayed?
Scripture: John 13:21 "... Jesus was trouble in spirit and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me."
Jesus was very aware that the time of His death had come and that one of His disciples, Judas Iscariot, was going to betray Him. Very shortly, Judas would sell Jesus for a mere twenty pieces of silver to those who had been seeking to destroy Him. Betrayal is such a hard word, for you can only be betrayed by someone that you care for and have put your trust in. Judas had walked with Jesus through His ministry here on Earth for three years. He had seen Jesus heal the sick, restore sight to the blind, cause the deaf to hear, and had heard Him preach the glorious gospel of salvation. Jesus had also shown Judas His love and trust by personally choosing him to be one of His twelve disciples and allowing him to be the treasurer of the group and carry the money purse. It is amazing that Judas would trade his friendship with Jesus, his ministry position, and all the miraculous things that he had seen and heard to become the betrayer of the Son of God.
Even though Jesus knew that Judas would soon betray Him, Jesus knelt before him as a servant and washed his feet. He then shared the special Passover meal with Judas before He tenderly released him in the spirit to do the evil that he had been harboring in his heart. Jesus took a morsel of bread, dipped it into the wine and gave it to Judas. Offering the morsel or "the sop" as it was called was a custom at Eastern meals. The host offered one of the guests a morsel of bread as a gesture of special friendship. When Jesus offered Judas the bread, He was openly expressing His tremendous love for Judas. Yet, Judas disregarded this gesture of love and immediately left and returned later with the soldiers who were seeking to arrest Jesus. Judas again betrayed Jesus by identifying Him with a kiss.
I shared this story with you because most of us have faced a situation in life where we have been totally betrayed by someone whom we loved and trusted and that we thought loved us in return. Yet, we discover that while we were serving them and loving them, they were seeking a way to betray us in some form or fashion. The betrayal might have been by a close friend, a spouse, brother or sister, or even one of our own children. Regardless of who the betrayer might have been, it was a very painful experience and created painful memories, for the deeper the relationship, the greater the wound, and the harder it is to get past the results of the injury.
We must understand that life is not always pleasant and the players are not always fair, but we will never be called to face anything that is unknown by our Lord and Master. He has experienced everything that we will ever face, and to a greater degree. For this reason He is able to be touched by every feeling that we will ever have. Jesus was troubled in His spirit because He knew of the betrayal at hand. Likewise, He is touched when betrayals occur in your life.
Sometimes when we see thosee who live in darkness, It’s just a place where the Sun has not yet reached them. I believe there is goodness in everyone. We must begin to shine our light upon them and pray for them.
Instead of trying to stand alone in your grief and disappointment, turn it over to Jesus, for He will never betray you.
Instead of trying to stand alone in your grief and disappointment, turn it over to Jesus, for He will never betray you.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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