
Faith Filled Thoughts
October 30th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays
Scripture: Psalms 105:19 "Until the time that his word came (to pass); the word of the Lord tried him.
When Joseph received a dream from God, it took about sixteen years for that dream to come to pass. In the meantime, God worked to get the physical circumstances just right and worked changes in the heart of Joseph. There were many challenges that Joseph had to face as he waited on God's purpose and perfect timing to come to pass. Many times he must have experienced the let down of hope and the frustrations of delay. He may have even gotten sick and tired of trying to hold on to his hope, for Proverbs 13:12 tells us that "Hope deferred makes the heart sick."
The disappointment that comes when our hopes are not realized is hard to cope with. Like Joseph's situation, when God reveals His intentions and purposes for our lives, things do not happen immediately. Our calling demands a season of testing and training where God rids our heart of things that would hinder His anointing and prevent His purpose. During this time, He never allows us to see behind the scenes. He places a veil between the natural, that which we see, and the spiritual, that which He is doing, and He forces us to walk by faith. And until the word that we received from God comes to pass, He tries that word. Even Jesus was tempted in the wilderness and was tried in other areas before the words concerning Him came to pass. Isaiah prophesied that Jesus would be "a tried stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone of a sure foundation" (Isaiah 28:16)
God is the potter and He knows His clay. He is attempting to mold you and make you into the image that He has designed and ordained. You must make a predetermined decision to submit to God and allow Him to sort things out in your heart. The challenges and trials that you will face during this preparation process will develop wisdom and give birth to His anointing. God has good intentions and your best interest at heart but you cannot be used until you have been tried and tested. Adversity will form you and is the basis of your life message. You can only truly know what you have actually experienced. You can only rescue others from the valleys that you have been through. God has given you a word, a hope, and vision to keep you stable as He fits your life into His plan. Trust His faithfulness even while your word is being tried.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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