Do You Feel The REVIVAL Of Your FAITH??

Faith Filled Thoughts
February 10th, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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Do You Feel The REVIVAL Of Your FAITH??
Scripture: Psalms 91:4-5 "His truth shall be your shield ... You shall not be afraid for the terror ..."
This is a mighty promise for us today as we think about our future and remember the horrific events of many years ago when our nation was attacked by terrorist. It was a day of devastation that changed our lives forever, and our promise to those who lost their own lives or their loved ones is still the same today as it was that day, "We will never forget." The memories of the things that we saw and the sounds that we heard will be forever engrained in our hearts.
That was a day when evil men sought to bring our nation to its knees in humility before them. Instead, their actions united us as a nation and brought us to our knees in humility and prayer before the Almighty God. Students who weren't allowed to pray in schools were suddenly led in prayer by their teachers and principals. Those in our government boldly confessed their convictions without any reservations. People of various faiths forgot their differences and all of the churches came together in unity to seek the face of the Lord. Revival sprang into the hearts of our people and overshadowed the evil that lurked in the hearts of our enemies. Good overcame evil and terror was turned into triumph. That is what is happening in our nation today. We boldly come before the throne in the hardships many are suffering.
We know Our God will Not Forsake Us!
Our flag is still there ... we will be many Nations Under God ... and our God in whom we trust, is still Faithful." We the People will not falter in our Faith or allow as in days past, for Kingdoms to rise against the common man. The Men and Women Of Faith say No More! In these challenging days, let our faith arise and declare the words of the psalmist,
“God's truth shall be our shield and we shall not be afraid of the terror"
Beloved, you are living in times where you are acutely aware of various levels of instability. And, you will be tempted to allow that sense of insecurity to cause you to feel emotionally and mentally unstable. But, this is only a temptation from the evil one, for you belong to Me. And, you have been established on the foundation of My word and My promises. Even though life's storms rage all around you, you will stand firm. Refuse to be shaken by what you hear, says the Lord.
Matthew 7:24-25 Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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