You Changed Me

Faith Filled Thoughts
January 27th, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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You Changed Me
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Scripture: Matthew 7:24 "Everyone then who hears these words of Mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house upon the rock."
In this story Jesus said that there are two foundations that we can build our life upon, the shifting sand or the solid rock. Those who build upon the rock are the ones who hear God's words and then, in faith, act upon those words. Everyone wants to be able to endure the raging storms of life and remain intact. Yet, many times we choose the shifting sand and fail to realize the weakness of our structure until the rains come and we find ourselves in jeopardy.
It is easy to get into this situation in all areas of life and build our faith upon the shifting sands. We may look to our jobs or our financial portfolio as our source and security. This foundation is built upon the shifting sand, for the market can fail and riches can very quickly come to an end. Financial security is only found when we trust in the Lord God, who has promised to supply all of our needs according His riches. He said that He would never forsake the righteous and that their seed would never have to beg for bread. It is also wonderful to know that we have national security, but if that is where our trust is, we are misguided and not resting upon a sure foundation. For total protection, we must abide under the shadow of the Almighty and find shelter under His wings (Psalms 91). He alone must be our fortress and only He can keep us safe in all of our ways. Nothing is forever except the foundation of God's love, mercy, and grace. Relationships will fail, but the Lord will stick closer than a brother. Fame and honor will cease, but God will always be there.
The angel spoke to the church in Revelation 3:17 and said, " You say, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing." This church was lukewarm; neither hot, nor cold. They thought that they were doing fine, but the angel said that they didn't know that they were really wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked. Their foundation was not upon a solid rock, for it was based upon the material things that they had collected. They were blind to their apparent lack. They didn't realize that their material goods left them wretched and miserable and that the nakedness of their spiritual life was exposed. They weren't aware that a raging storm could sweep their security away in a moment's time. The Lord shares these words with us, not to frighten us, but to impart His truths to us. We must never give ourselves over to the thought that we have need of nothing, for we need God just as much in the good times as we do when things are going bad. We must build the foundations of our faith upon Him and obey His every command. He is the Rock of our salvation and if we place our trust and confidence in Him, our lives will not collapse in the midst of the storms.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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