Do You Have Faith From The Heart?

Faith Filled Thoughts
February 4th, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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Do You Have Faith From The Heart?
Scripture: Jeremiah 29:13 "You shall seek Me, and find Me, when you shall search for Me with all your heart."
We are standing on the threshold of change. The Lord is moving in a more powerful way than ever before and an entirely new dimension is opening before us. His word is made available to us daily through many different mediums so that we are able grow in His wisdom and understand His will. His spirit is calling us into a place of deeper intimacy with Him so that we can know His heart. When we understand God's will and yield our lives to His heart's desire, our prayers will reach into eternity and bring His infinite power to Earth. Our lives will show forth His glory and our witness will bring honor to Him and Him alone.
Yet as with anything that is worth having, there is a price that must be paid in order to enter this place of intimacy and experience the deeper dimension of God's glory and grace. Jeremiah said that we would only find God when we search for Him with all of our heart. God is not playing hard to get, but He will not be found until a diligent search is made. He is looking for total commitment and He will not show Himself to us until He sees that our heart is desperate for Him. We will not experience God if we approach Him with prayers that are inspired by our own foolish desires and notions. If we intend to find God at all, His kingdom must be our main interest. He must become more important to us than our next breath, the food that we eat, or the water that we drink. Our entire lives must communication to God that He is life to our being and that we love Him for who He is, not for what He gives.
Fathers and mothers always rejoice to see their children learn and they celebrate each new level of growth. So it is with God, our Father. He rejoices over us as we experience spiritual growth and is very pleased when the borders of our territory are enlarged. Yet, it is evident that we cannot travel alone or open the doors by ourselves. We need the Lord to direct our path and help us step over the threshold so that we might experience this new place that He has prepared for us. God, Himself, is the greater and deeper dimension that we seek, and beside Him, there is no other. He invites us to come and experience His awesome presence. He even gives us the formula of how to experience this place of intimacy, but there is a price to be paid before we enter this deeper dimension of His glory. It will take true faith on our part to find God, effort to seek for Him, and personal sacrifice as we search for Him with all of our heart.
Do You Have Faith From The Heart?
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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