That’s When We Learn To Faith It Out!

Faith Filled Thoughts
February 17th, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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That’s When We Learn To Faith It Out!
Scriptures: Habakkuk 2:4 "The just shall live by his faith."
Romans 1:17 "The just shall live by faith."
Galatians 3:11 "The just shall live by faith."
Hebrews 10:38 "The just shall live by faith"
Faith is not something that we try to obtain so that we can use it every once in awhile. It is a lifestyle of trust that we develop in God, and it comes by hearing His word (Romans 10:17). When God first speaks a word to us, we may not have the faith to reach out and obtain the promise, but He will address each doubt that we have. As He confirms His word, faith will begin to rise in our hearts until we are able to possess the promise.
That’s When We Learn To Faith It Out!
A personal experience that my husband and I had some years ago may explain this concept. We were at a used car lot one day just looking at the cars. We desperately needed a better car than the one we had but we had no intention of buying another one right away. The salesman asked us if we had found one that we liked, and we jokingly said yes, and pointed to the one car that we thought must belong to the owner. We knew it was totally out of our price range, but the salesman practically forced us to test drive it. We told him up front that we weren't able to buy right then, but he said he could make us a good deal and that he just wanted to talk to us about it. We told him that we had no money, but he said that he could fix that. We then told him it was impossible to make a purchase at this time because of our credit situation but he said they financed their own cars so that wasn't a problem either.
Little by little, the salesman was addressing each doubt that we had concerning buying the car. Line upon line, he was feeding our faith and showing us a way where there seemed to be no way. When we told him we didn't think it would be wise for us to trade cars because of the higher payment, he offered us more money for our old car than it was worth. Things were looking pretty good, but then he decided to test drive our car. We thought he would give up at this point because our car wouldn't even start. Our faith began to fall as we thought on this negative circumstance. We knew that we had to have a good trade-in to afford the new car. To our surprise, however, he offered us the same deal. And since our car would not start, he allowed us take the new car home and come back the next day to finish the papers. We had no faith at the beginning, but the salesman's words caused faith to begin to form in our hearts. He had not only initiated the faith in our hearts but had kept feeding our faith with his words until he completed the transaction.So it is with God. He plants a seed of faith in our heart and initiates the process in order to fulfill His plan. He then causes our faith to grow by continually watering it with His word. Each scripture that comes to us quickens our heart and confirms His promise. Negative circumstances may try to sway us from God's truth and attempt to steal the blessing that He intends for us. However, if His word is in our heart, faith will intervene and cast out all doubt and fear. Our trust in God and His word will cause us to go from faith to faith and glory to glory as we obtain His promise!
February 17, 2009. What are you worrying about? Your faith is being tested. Some things you have desired have not materialized. And yet you have seen Me work miracles in your life. What has happened that I cannot overcome? Have you ever thought how foolish it is to worry about what you cannot control? I say unto you, put your faith in Me. All of creation is in My hands. I can never fail nor will I ever forsake you. My love for you is an everlasting commitment to protect you and provide for you throughout all eternity. I invite you to test Me in this and see if you find Me to be true to My word. What are you worrying about?
Little by little, the salesman was addressing each doubt that we had concerning buying the car. Line upon line, he was feeding our faith and showing us a way where there seemed to be no way. When we told him we didn't think it would be wise for us to trade cars because of the higher payment, he offered us more money for our old car than it was worth. Things were looking pretty good, but then he decided to test drive our car. We thought he would give up at this point because our car wouldn't even start. Our faith began to fall as we thought on this negative circumstance. We knew that we had to have a good trade-in to afford the new car. To our surprise, however, he offered us the same deal. And since our car would not start, he allowed us take the new car home and come back the next day to finish the papers. We had no faith at the beginning, but the salesman's words caused faith to begin to form in our hearts. He had not only initiated the faith in our hearts but had kept feeding our faith with his words until he completed the transaction.So it is with God. He plants a seed of faith in our heart and initiates the process in order to fulfill His plan. He then causes our faith to grow by continually watering it with His word. Each scripture that comes to us quickens our heart and confirms His promise. Negative circumstances may try to sway us from God's truth and attempt to steal the blessing that He intends for us. However, if His word is in our heart, faith will intervene and cast out all doubt and fear. Our trust in God and His word will cause us to go from faith to faith and glory to glory as we obtain His promise!
February 17, 2009. What are you worrying about? Your faith is being tested. Some things you have desired have not materialized. And yet you have seen Me work miracles in your life. What has happened that I cannot overcome? Have you ever thought how foolish it is to worry about what you cannot control? I say unto you, put your faith in Me. All of creation is in My hands. I can never fail nor will I ever forsake you. My love for you is an everlasting commitment to protect you and provide for you throughout all eternity. I invite you to test Me in this and see if you find Me to be true to My word. What are you worrying about?
Matthew 6:34 "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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