Faith Filled Thoughts
March 5th, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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“Order My Steps in Thy Word O Lord”
Scripture: Psalms 119:133 "Order my steps in Thy word."
What a simple but profound request this is. Can you imagine where you would be today if this had been your prayer each day many years ago? What if God had ordered each step that you took according to His word? This would mean that every situation in your life would have been the perfect and ordained will of God. Unfortunately, as we look back on those yesterdays, we can see many times that we strayed from the perfect path that God had placed before us. It looks all too clear now that God was trying to direct our steps. But instead of allowing His Holy Spirit to lead and guide us, we followed our own wills and desires. As a result, some of the paths turned out to be pretty rocky and bumpy. They were surely not through the green pastures and beside the still waters.
Jeremiah 10:23 tells us that it is not in man to determine and to direct his own way. It is not in us to even know what direction to take. Our natural man cannot envision the ultimate purpose and plan that God has for our lives. And although God may show us the large picture of His plan so that we can work towards it, He only leads and guides us one step at a time. Each step we take must be taken in faith for He requires that we trust Him with all of our heart and that we do not lean upon our own understanding. As we acknowledge God in all of our ways, He promises to direct our steps.Psalms 37:23 says that God busies Himself with every step you take. He is right there watching you take steps through life just like a loving father watches his child walk. God wants to give you direction, but He will not force you. As you step out into life each day, think about your future being set in order by the Lord. Imagine the enormous changes that may happen in your life if you start each day with these eight simple and profound words,
"Order my steps in Thy word, O Lord."
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
"Faith in ALL Circumstances"
Water through the Word is heard on:
Saturday Mornings
on 1050 WCVX
Sunday Mornings
on 700 WLW
Final Broadcast on WLW!
*See details below...
Water through the Word CLASSICS
Final Broadcast on 700WLW
***See details below
"Faith in ALL Circumstances"
Connie Ciccone
Sunday, March 8 at 7:30am
"... then he bought a shotgun and said he was Jesus. He said that God told him to kill me!" - Connie on Water through the Word RADIO
Connie was raised in a family of seven, where both parents were abusive alchoholics.
At 15, she became homeless, unable to care for her self. In a few short years, Connie would barely escape attempted murder, multiple abusive marriages, and finally rape. Yet through it all, Connie's vivid memories of her great-grandmother's faith was the only thing that kept her alive. Listen to what happens next!
A dramatic story of faith!
CLICK: listen to Connie's show now!
Jeremiah 10:23 tells us that it is not in man to determine and to direct his own way. It is not in us to even know what direction to take. Our natural man cannot envision the ultimate purpose and plan that God has for our lives. And although God may show us the large picture of His plan so that we can work towards it, He only leads and guides us one step at a time. Each step we take must be taken in faith for He requires that we trust Him with all of our heart and that we do not lean upon our own understanding. As we acknowledge God in all of our ways, He promises to direct our steps.Psalms 37:23 says that God busies Himself with every step you take. He is right there watching you take steps through life just like a loving father watches his child walk. God wants to give you direction, but He will not force you. As you step out into life each day, think about your future being set in order by the Lord. Imagine the enormous changes that may happen in your life if you start each day with these eight simple and profound words,
"Order my steps in Thy word, O Lord."
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
"Faith in ALL Circumstances"
Water through the Word is heard on:
Saturday Mornings
on 1050 WCVX
Sunday Mornings
on 700 WLW
Final Broadcast on WLW!
*See details below...
Water through the Word CLASSICS
Final Broadcast on 700WLW
***See details below
"Faith in ALL Circumstances"
Connie Ciccone
Sunday, March 8 at 7:30am
"... then he bought a shotgun and said he was Jesus. He said that God told him to kill me!" - Connie on Water through the Word RADIO
Connie was raised in a family of seven, where both parents were abusive alchoholics.
At 15, she became homeless, unable to care for her self. In a few short years, Connie would barely escape attempted murder, multiple abusive marriages, and finally rape. Yet through it all, Connie's vivid memories of her great-grandmother's faith was the only thing that kept her alive. Listen to what happens next!
A dramatic story of faith!
CLICK: listen to Connie's show now!
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