Remember He Calls You By Your Name!

Faith Filled Thoughts
February 20th, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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Remember He Calls You By Your Name!
Scripture: John 10:3-4 "... the sheep hear His voice: and He calls His own sheep by name,
and He leads them out ... He goes before them, and the sheep follow Him for they know His voice."
You never have to fear the path that is set before you because the Lord Jesus goes before you each step of the way. You never have to tread where His feet have not been or suffer things that are foreign to His knowledge. He leads you out and then He goes before you, discerning every situation. He notes the paths that are too narrow and the rocky steeps that are too dangerous. He will lead you around every pitfall and protect you from every foe. He encounters every obstacle that you will experience along the way so that He can understand your feelings and be touched by your infirmities. His presence makes the crooked way straight and His mighty hand opens every door that needs to be opened and closes every door that needs to stay shut. Jesus will never lead you into a place that is too difficult and you will never find His grace to be insufficient.
Jesus is the Good Shepherd and He cares for His sheep. He loves you individually and doesn't get you confused with someone else. He calls you by your name. He also allows you to know Him in an intimate way so that you can recognize His voice. He doesn't disguise His voice or speak foreign words to you but makes Himself very plain. All you must do is listen for His still quiet voice saying, "This is the way, walk in it" (Isaiah 30:21). His voice will gently bring repentance and scatter the sounds of condemnation. His words will give direction and drive away the spirits of confusion. He will never lead you astray and the simple knowledge that He is leading the way should give you great hope and confidence.
His presence will bring peace in the midst of your turmoil. As you follow Him one step at a time, you are not to look sorrowfully at your past, be confused about the present, or fear the future. Tomorrow is unknown but His voice says, "Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for it will take care of itself." He is God and if He can feed the birds and clothe the flowers of the field, He can take care of you. Jesus goes before you. Just follow Him without doubt and fear, for He is already there in the future that you are about to experience.
Remember He Calls You By Your Name!
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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