I’m Lost Without You

Faith Filled Thoughts
February 26th, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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I’m Lost Without You
Scripture: Psalms 119:176 "I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek Thy servant."
We've all had those times when we've planned to meet someone in a large crowd and wanted to make sure that we made the connection. We designate a particular time and place to meet, explain what we'll be wearing, and say, "Be looking for me." If the appointed time for the rendezvous passes, desperation sets in, and we begin to think that there was a misunderstanding in our communications. We can only hope that the one we are attempting to meet is searching for us with as much effort as we are searching for them.
The psalmist in this scripture found himself in the same dilemma. He had somehow wandered away and was telling the Lord of his desperate situation. In the preceding verses, he asked the Lord to hear his cry and listen to his supplication. He said, "Let Your hand help me." Sheep have no sense of direction and are used to being led about. It is their nature to depend upon the shepherd to find them. The psalmist reminded the Lord that even though he had strayed away from the narrow path, he still remembered the commandments and precepts of God. He knew that God would honor His Word and he depended upon the Good Shepherd to seek for him as if he were a lost sheep.
Like the psalmist, the Lord is our shepherd and we are the sheep of His pasture. We need the Lord Jesus desperately in our lives so that we can maintain an honorable walk and keep our feet from straying. We must make it a practice to face every day with a determination to discern His will and to be in His Word, seeking His direction. Like the psalmist, our prayer should be, "Lord, look for me. Help me to be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. If I go astray, seek me and bring me back." Are you aware that God's search for you is just as diligent as your search for Him? Jesus is your Good Shepherd. He will leave the ninety-nine sheep that are safe and search for you when you have lost your way. As He looks for you, He will call you by name, for He knows each one personally. In John 10:27, He said, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me" (John 10:27).
When your path seems to be shrouded in darkness and your way seems obscure, listen for the Shepherd's voice. He is like any loving father whose child is lost, and He is desperately seeking for you and calling your name.
There are those out there who have lost their way, Let’s help them find His Glorious Voice and Lead Them Home!
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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