God Unfolds The Rosebud

Faith Filled Thoughts
March 23rd, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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God Unfolds The Rosebud
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:17 "There is a time for every purpose and for every work."
Our lives and destinies are much like a beautiful rose. We start as a small bud covered with protective green leaves and we are hidden from view for a length of time. Like a natural rosebud, those viewing our lives can only guess what the colors of our life may turn out to be. Eventually, a little color begins to show itself and the promise of a beautiful future is envisioned. This process continues until the whole bud is in view. The rosebud, just as it is, is beautiful and even has a wonderful fragrance. Yet, it holds so much more promise within itself. If left to God's timing, it will become a glory to behold. The difficult part is waiting for the bud to open and for the petals to unfold, one by one. It is such a slow process, but there is nothing that we can do to hasten the work that nature is designed to do.
God holds our lives in His sovereign hands. He plans each moment and arranges every experience that will enhance our brilliance, beauty, and fragrance. There are joys and sorrows, and there are also days of sunshine and days of rain. But God uses all of our life experiences, good and bad, to add depth and passion to our souls. Only God knows what is best for our lives, and like the precious rosebud, we must submit to His timing and wait for His divine season to come to pass. As we allow Him to unfold the petals of our lives at His discretion, He will complete His work in our lives and fulfill His purposes.
Many times it is hard to wait on God's promise, but just as we cannot unfold the rosebud and keep the petals intact, we cannot unfold the seasons of our lives. They are too tightly mingled together and cannot be forced into being. God has an appointed time for all things in our life, but His promise takes time and we must wait for Him to unfold our destiny. If we attempt to pull the petals away before their time, we will spoil the beauty and crush the fragrance that He has designed, not only for our enjoyment, but also for His kingdom purposes. The life of the promise is within us, but we must trust God's timing, for our hands are too clumsy to handle our own destiny. We must anticipate the blessing, seek the Lord, and expect to receive, but more importantly, we must wait for God to fulfill His promise at His appointed time and in His chosen season
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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