Why Am I Doing This?

Faith Filled Thoughts
March 11th, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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Why Am I Doing This?
Scripture: Romans 8:28 "... called according to His purpose."
I recently heard this story about, "A soldier that stood at attention at an isolated corner of the Russian palace. When questioned about his purpose for standing there, the soldier could only say he was following the captain's orders. The captain was summoned and he too did not know the purpose of this guard, but he knew that regulations required him to be there. Upon investigation, it was discovered that a century earlier, Katherine the Great, who was an Empress from 1762 to 1796, had established that guard post to protect a newly planted rose bush that she had planted. One hundred years later, guards were still being posted to keep watch over a barren spot of turf."
Nothing was there?
These are desperate times and we must discern the season. It's not a time to waste on busy works or barren pursuits, for life is short and time is of the essence. The harvest that remains is too great. We must find out how the Master wants us to fulfill His purpose and then follow through with action. We can't stay tied to a mission that has ended or continue to operate where there is no anointing. We must realize that God is enlarging our borders and accept the fact that He is moving us on to greater places and higher purposes.
Yet, sometimes it is hard to let go and move forwards. Occasionally, it is wise to simply ask ourselves, "Why am I doing this? Is this God's will for me at this crucial hour?" If we find that we are only guarding the turf where roses used to bloom, we need to give our situation some thought and pray for direction. When we discover that the horse has been dead for several years, it's time to dismount. Jesus is coming for His church soon, but until He comes, we have a purpose to fulfill. There are still souls that are held in the balance. They are waiting for us to obey the great commission that Jesus gave in Mark 16:15, which was to "go into all of the world and preach the gospel." We are all called and commissioned to be a light to the world and to "preach the gospel to every creature." There is someone who is waiting in the darkness for you to share God's light. Your light will shine and you will glorify your Father in Heaven when you are doing His will and fulfilling His purpose.
I have always believed that angry, bitter, and lost souls are truly good inside.
It’s just a place where the light has not shown yet!
Go Light Their World Today..
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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