We are like the caterpillar, which must wait for the timing of God.

Faith Filled Thoughts
March 16th, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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We are like the caterpillar, which must wait for the timing of God.
Scripture: Isaiah 50:11 "Walk in the light of your fire, and in the sparks that you have kindled ... (and) you shall lay down in sorrow."
God gives us a solemn warning against trying to walk in our own light because our light is incapable of dispelling the darkness of evil. Yet, when we are walking in a dark place, it's very tempting to try to solve our problems ourselves instead of putting our trust in God and allowing Him to shed light on our situation. We become impatient and kindle our own fire to create our own light. We make decisions based on our feelings and often disregard the will of God for our lives. We turn a deaf ear to His voice because God's instructions make no sense at all to our natural mind, as His ways are never like our ways.
I spent many years in my young adult life doing just That!
Then only to find my mistake do I then seek God.
Our troubles cause us to say…If Only I had sought the Lord then I would not be in this mess. Whew!
Have I not said this a lot of times as I am sure you Have!
I spent many years in my young adult life doing just That!
Then only to find my mistake do I then seek God.
Our troubles cause us to say…If Only I had sought the Lord then I would not be in this mess. Whew!
Have I not said this a lot of times as I am sure you Have!
Although we know that God's thoughts and plans are higher and far greater than we can comprehend with our finite mind,
our darkness still drives us to seek a light of some sort and find deliverance somewhere.
Premature deliverance, however, frustrates God's work of grace and diminishes the beauty of the work He is trying to accomplish in our lives.
We are like the caterpillar, which must wait for the timing of God.
The caterpillar must patiently endure the darkness of the cocoon until its appointed time comes for it to reach for the light.
It’s premature deliverance will destroy the grandeur of its destiny,
and its lack of patience will thwart its intended purpose and disable it from being able to fly in majestic beauty.
our darkness still drives us to seek a light of some sort and find deliverance somewhere.
Premature deliverance, however, frustrates God's work of grace and diminishes the beauty of the work He is trying to accomplish in our lives.
We are like the caterpillar, which must wait for the timing of God.
The caterpillar must patiently endure the darkness of the cocoon until its appointed time comes for it to reach for the light.
It’s premature deliverance will destroy the grandeur of its destiny,
and its lack of patience will thwart its intended purpose and disable it from being able to fly in majestic beauty.
Jesus said, "The man that walks in darkness doesn't know where he is going" (John 12:35).
A man in darkness just stumbles about, feeling his way around.
It's a frightening place, but Jesus said that if we follow Him, we will not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life (John 8:12).
In this story, Jesus revealed Himself as The Light to the woman who was found living in the darkness of adultery.
As The Light, He did not condemn her but showed her the truth and gave her the light to walk in.
He said, "Go and sin no more." His light was designed not only to dispel all the darkness of evil that threatened her but also to give her a new life.
A man in darkness just stumbles about, feeling his way around.
It's a frightening place, but Jesus said that if we follow Him, we will not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life (John 8:12).
In this story, Jesus revealed Himself as The Light to the woman who was found living in the darkness of adultery.
As The Light, He did not condemn her but showed her the truth and gave her the light to walk in.
He said, "Go and sin no more." His light was designed not only to dispel all the darkness of evil that threatened her but also to give her a new life.
Jesus is the light of life.
God intends for us to walk in His light,
for only His light can conquer darkness.
We must wait for His light to dawn as we do the rising of the sun,
for our own light apart from God will only bring sorrow.
Be assured that God is sovereign and His timing cannot be hastened.
It is better to walk in the darkness with God than to walk alone in our own light?.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
Please click below to see something Jesus left for your Spirit!:
God intends for us to walk in His light,
for only His light can conquer darkness.
We must wait for His light to dawn as we do the rising of the sun,
for our own light apart from God will only bring sorrow.
Be assured that God is sovereign and His timing cannot be hastened.
It is better to walk in the darkness with God than to walk alone in our own light?.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
Please click below to see something Jesus left for your Spirit!:
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