Come In with The Fullness Of The Holy Spirit

Faith Filled Thoughts
May 1st 2009
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Come In with The Fullness Of The Holy Spirit
“If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children,
how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” (Luke 11:13).
Do we need to love an unlovely person?
Do we need extra patience? Could we use a little peace in the midst of chaos?
Do we need to show an extra measure of kindness?
Could anyone stand a little more faithfulness to God? Could anyone use a strong does of self-discipline?
How about a heaping soulful of joy?
Take a look at Galatians 5:22-23. They all come with the fullness of the Holy Spirit!
You see, we don’t just need more patience. We need more of the Holy Spirit filling us and anointing us!
I realize the Holy Spirit is a person. When He comes into a believer’s life at salvation,
He moves in personally.
We believers have the Spirit, but the infinite Spirit of God continues to pour Himself into our lives.
Any given day I may enjoy a greater portion of His Spirit from on high.
Does anyone need deep insight from God’s Word? An added measure of understanding?
Anyone need the eyes of your heart enlightened to know the hope of our calling?
Does anyone want to fulfill God’s eternal purposes for our lives,
and think with the mind of Christ instead of the misleading mind of mortal flesh?
All of these come with “more” of the Holy Spirit! (See 1 Corinthians 2.)
Child of God, don’t just absorb this truth!
Get up and celebrate it! God gives His Spirit without measure!
He has all that you need. Or more properly stated, He is that all that you need.
Our fulfillment and greatest joy are in the flooding of the Holy Spirit of God in our lives.
He is how we understand God’s Word and will for our lives!
Here’s a good one: Could anyone use a sharper memory?
Take a look at John 14:26. “The Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send you in my name,
will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”
The Holy Spirit is the blessed Reminder.
Have you ever noticed we have a very sharp memory about destructive things,
but a far duller memory over instructive things? We need more of the Holy Spirit!
Recently I had to memorize lines for a Bible Study group at our church.
I had never done anything like that, and I was a nervous wreck.
Because I knew John 14:26, instead of just asking God to help me with my lines,
I asked Him to fill me with more of His Holy Spirit so the blessed Reminder would manifest Himself to me—and He did!
He is your key to memorizing Scripture or retaining anything biblical.
Take Him up on it!
What do you need most from the Holy Spirit?
Are you actively praying for more of Him toward that end?
Luke 11:13 implies that if we want the Holy Spirit to invade more and more of our lives, God wants us to ask Him for it!
So Pray with me…
Holy Spirit, I do need more of you in my life.
Please invade every part of me with ever-increasing measure.
Energize my speech, thought patterns, and actions.
Please show me where I’m quenching Your Spirit and hindering Your work.
Remind me to pray for more and more of You.
In Jesus Precious Name, Amen.
What do you need most from the Holy Spirit?
Are you actively praying for more of Him toward that end?
Luke 11:13 implies that if we want the Holy Spirit to invade more and more of our lives, God wants us to ask Him for it!
So Pray with me…
Holy Spirit, I do need more of you in my life.
Please invade every part of me with ever-increasing measure.
Energize my speech, thought patterns, and actions.
Please show me where I’m quenching Your Spirit and hindering Your work.
Remind me to pray for more and more of You.
In Jesus Precious Name, Amen.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
Please click below to see something Jesus left for your Spirit!: Unbelievable
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