Do Not Shrink Against The enemy!

Faith Filled Thoughts
April 1st, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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Do Not Shrink Against The enemy!
Run With God!
Scripture: I Samuel 17:48 "David hurried and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine."
David had no fear as he came against Goliath because his heart was full of faith. He refused Saul's armor and placed his confidence not in a big sword, but in a big God. David knew that the God he served could and would deliver him because this same God had fought David's battles before. David came against the giant in the Name of the Lord with a purpose and a cause. That cause was to stand against the spirit that was defiling the armies of the Living God. As David began to maximize and magnify God with his words, he minimized and diminished the giant that was challenging him. David did not shrink in the sight of the giant even though Goliath threw out frightening threats and disdaining accusations. Instead, David ran towards the giant and the Philistine army with great courage.
We are continually called to face giants in our lives whether they be in our homes or work places. There are situations that even come up with those that we love because the enemy is at work. He is still seeking to defile the people of God and their purposes. He makes his mission known with frightening threats and accusations in his effort to reduce us to nothing before the real battle even begins. The secret to our victory is the same as it was for David. We must have a cause and the Name of the Lord. We must rely upon what we know about God and His word and our purposes must line up with His will. We cannot rely upon someone else's armor, for it will be too weighty and unproved. We must come to believe so much in the Name of the Lord and His purpose that it becomes a power within us.
We cannot shrink back in our darkness and despair. We must be bold and run towards the enemy that seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. God's word promises that if we resist the enemy, he must flee. He has no choice! David said that the battle was the Lord's and he relied totally on that premise. He did not rely on his own strength or ability. He allowed God to work through him with a simple sling and a stone against a mighty giant who held a huge spear, sword, and a shield. Yet David prevailed without a sword in his own hand. You may feel very inadequate as you come against the giants in your life. God may only provide you with meager weapons as he did with David. Your natural sling and stone may not look like very much as you view the spear, sword, and the shield of the enemy. However, you must not consider what you hold in your hand but what you hold in your heart, for God will honor your faith and your pure motives. Run with faith towards the enemy and God will stand with you as you fight for His cause and in His Name.
Do Not Shrink Against The enemy!
Run With God!
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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I keep this by my bed and read it every night. Today I was running toward the enemy. Praying I would not meet him and I did with his girlfriend, once again.... I know it was God's will for me. I am still in shock he has done this to me and God has to keep reminding me I guess. I hope you are feeling better. Love Kendra
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