Allow The Holy Spirit To Ignite You

Faith Filled Thoughts
April 2nd, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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written for Tiffany
Allow The Holy Spirit To Ignite You
Scripture: Matthew 3:11 "Jesus shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire."
We all have experienced those special times when it seems that an eternal moment was birthed in our lives. It was a time when things just seemed to ignite and come alive. And even today, as we recall the memory of those times, our emotions manifest themselves as they did when the incidents happened. We laugh, we cry, or just enjoy the moment from the past. Such is the case when my father passed away at such a young age of 56. When I speak of him, I always recall the "out of the ordinary" things that happened in his life that brought us joy and laughter. I recall those moments as we fished, or how we shared such a bond of understanding, or experienced a family crisis. It was the igniting of these special moments that burned precious memories into my heart..
Think about Jesus who only lived thirty-three years on this earth. We've heard of the angels heralding His birth and of the wise men bringing Him gifts when He was about two years old. Then, we heard about Him as a twelve-year-old boy in the temple. Suddenly the voices were silent and many years passed with no information concerning Jesus, the Messiah, the Son of God, even though He was the most important person who ever lived. He graced this Earth with His presence, yet it was only when the Holy Spirit ignited Jesus' life that His fame went out and His deeds and words were recorded.
As a born again believer, God has empowered you with His Spirit and with a fire that has the potential to ignite the moments in the lives of others. You have great potential. You are walking about on the earth like a match that is waiting to be struck. As the Holy Spirit wills, He ignites you for His service and moves through you to minister life and light to a darkened world. God has placed within you His kingdom which is "righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost" (Romans 14:17). You have an opportunity to share that kingdom and the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Allow the Holy Spirit to ignite and burn inside of you for the purposes of God. It will fascinate the world as a natural fire does, and will ignite an unforgettable and eternal moment in the lives of those you touch.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
Please click below to see something Jesus left for your Spirit!:
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
Please click below to see something Jesus left for your Spirit!:
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