Let’s Explore Peace
Faith Filled Thoughts
August 20th, 2009
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What Are The Fruits Of The Spirit?
Let’s Explore Peace
“Be still, and know that I am God.” —Psalm 46:10
August 20th, 2009
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What Are The Fruits Of The Spirit?
Let’s Explore Peace
“Be still, and know that I am God.” —Psalm 46:10
This is another major quality that we all need operating in our lives,
especially with all of the uncertainty of this life and never knowing what is going to happen next.
Jobs are no longer as secure as they used to be.
You never know when the company you work for may be bought out and your job will be gone in a flash.
Half of all marriages are still ending up in divorce.
We are all forced to constantly live under the threat of future terrorist activity,
never knowing when or where the next attack will come from.
With all of this kind of heightened activity that we are all forced to deal with on a daily basis,
it becomes very easy to lose your sense of peace - especially your peace in the Lord.
Again, this is one of the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit can really help you
pick up the slack if you start losing your own sense of peace over some of the storm clouds that will hit you in this life.
Realize that the Holy Spirit has His peace to give to you and that He can give it to you in great abundance.
I have found that once His peace starts to flow up into your mind, soul and personality,
it really is as the Bible says - a peace that surpasses all human understanding.
Especially when that peace comes in right in the middle of a severe storm cloud that you may be going through.
Here is how the quality of peace is described in some of the different Bible dictionaries and commentaries:
• The presence and experience of right relationships
• The tranquility of soul
• Sense of well-being and fulfillment that comes from God and is dependent on His presence
• The inner tranquility and poise of the Christian whose trust is in God through Christ
• Tranquility, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord
The quality of peace should be one of the main qualities that you should try and get worked up into your soul
through the Holy Spirit in the sanctification process.
Without the peace of God operating in your life,
you could become very easily rattled, shaken, tormented and knocked right off our feet.
“Be still, and know that I am God.” —Psalm 46:10
“Summertime, and the livin’ is easy,” says the old song.
Yet for many people worries and stresses don’t take a summer vacation.
That doesn’t mean, however, that we have to respond with panic or anxiety.
As Dr. Norman Vincent Peale said, “Life can be wonderful…
if you will just get the stillness of God into your body, mind, and soul.
Do the best you can; do good, be good.
Then put it all into His hands and trust Him.
Don't be excited; don't be nervous; don't be tense.
Just be still.
KNOW That He is God
John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
Please click below to see something Jesus left for your Spirit !:
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