Does Your Little Light Shine?

Faith Filled Thoughts
April 23rd 2010
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Does Your Little Light Shine?
What does the Bible say about light?
Below, I have given some of what I believe
to be the most important uses of this word in scripture.
The first specific creative
act of God, in Genesis 1 is the creation of light.
God's first creative act was the creation of light.
It is also possible that the earth was already present
when God created light,
because Genesis 1:1-2 describe the creation of the earth first.
James 1:17 describes God as the "Father of lights."
After the flood, God promised
never to destroy the earth again by a flood,
and He chose a rainbow, a phenomenon caused
by light passing through water, to signify this.
During the Exodus,
God showed Himself to the Israelites
(at night, at least) as a light-giving pillar of fire,
light enough to travel by.
In Exodus 25, and elsewhere,
the Israelites were commanded
to prepare light in the Tabernacle,
as part of their worship of God.
In 2 Samuel 22, David said:
"For you are my lamp, O Lord,
and my God lightens my darkness." (verse 29)
Perhaps this is the first time that God's presence
and communication with humans is compared to light.
In Psalm 27:1, first part, David wrote that
"The Lord is my light and my salvation;
whom shall I fear?"
Job refers to the day when he was born,
and wishes that it had never happened
(chapter 3) saying that he wishes it had been condemned to darkness.
Darkness and evil, and light and good, are often linked, in the Bible.
Psalm 119:105 says
"Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light to my path,"
comparing God's word to light.
1 John 1 is one of the places in the New Testament
where God's revelation to humans is compared to light.
In Isaiah 9, Isaiah,
apparently speaking of the coming of the Messiah,
compares this event to the appearance of a great light.
(This passage is quoted in Matthew 4:12-16.)
Jesus, in Matthew 5:14-16,
compares the God-honoring life of his followers to light.
In John 1:1-13,
the revelation of God in Christ Jesus is compared to light.
John 3:16-21
says that that revelation of light has brought judgment.
In John 8:12,
Jesus describes Himself as the light of the world.
1 Timothy 6:11-16
says that Jesus "dwells in unapproachable light. . ."
As the first chapter in the Bible refers to light,
so does the last,
Revelation 22:1-5,
which says that the only light necessary in heaven is God, Himself.
I believe that God has been well aware of the importance of light,
and has used it as a symbol of Himself,
throughout the time of His interaction with humans.
So Lord, until I see You..
This Little Light Of Mine I’m Gonna Let It Shine!!
And Lord I truly believe that there is goodness
In everyone…it’s just a place where the Sun
Hasn’t shined yet, so take me there with your light.
I want to help them see you
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
Pastor Connie
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