Does this struggle sound familiar?

Faith Filled Thoughts
October 31th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Does this struggle sound familiar?
Scripture: II Thessalonians 2:7 "For the mystery of iniquity does already work."
A mystery is a secret. It's a truth that is closed for the present and can only be opened or comprehended by revelation. There was a mystery going on in Paul's heart and soul that baffled his intelligence. He personified the strife of two natures within himself; the Adamic nature that he was born with and the divine nature, which he received through his spiritual new birth in Christ. He described this struggle in Romans 7:19 as he was moved by the Holy Spirit. He said that he didn't do the good that he wanted to do, but instead he did the evil, which he didn't want to do. In his inner man, he found delight in the law of God but the members of his own body warred against his desire to be obedient to that law.
Does this struggle sound familiar? It is no surprise, for the closer that we get to being in the center of God's will, the harder Satan fights against us. As long as our body is tied to this world there will be an unseen battle raging within us, for we are no different than Jesus, the Apostle Paul, or the other New Testament saints. In all of our lives there lurks an underlying current of evil oppression. It is like an unwanted houseguest or a mouse in the pantry. We don't want it there and we hate to deal with it, but we can't ignore it. Something has to be done to rid it from our presence and we are the ones that must do it with the help of the Holy Spirit.
God allows nothing in your life that He will not use for your good and for the benefit of His great and wonderful cause. Jesus passed this way before you and He understands your struggles as He was also tempted by the devil, yet He remained without sin. However, He knows that, like the Apostle Paul, you don't always do the things that you want to do and that sometimes you do the very things that you do not want to do. Jesus is touched by your feelings of discouragement as you experience disappointment in yourself. He continually prays that your faith will not fail even though Satan desires to sift you as wheat (Luke 22:31). God is doing great and mighty things and He wants you to be a part of it. As He enlarges your vision and stretches your borders, He wants to impart a revelation that will help you understand this mystery of iniquity so that you can move forward and fulfill His purposes. He desires that your heart be filled with peace concerning the temptations that you face and realize that these challenges are just part of the battle. God is on your side and He wants you to have victory over sin. Temptations will come, but if you submit yourself to God and resist the devil, the devil will have to flee (James 4:7).
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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