Moment To Moment Choices

Faith Filled Thoughts
January 19th, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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Moment To Moment Choices
Scripture: I Corinthians 10:23 "All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient."
Life presents us with many choices. These choices determine our future and create our past. They cause us to become who we are in character and also establish our reputation in the eyes of others. Choices are made because of our hopes and desires, but they also determine our failures. As we follow our choices, they take us down many trails and the options we choose leave behind us a path that others will follow. Sometimes the examples that we provide for others are good but other times we mistakenly lead them down the wrong paths. At the time, our choice may have been acceptable and lawful for us personally because our motives were pure, but they may have caused problems for those within the circle of our influence who may not have known the entire situation.
The Apostle Paul addressed this issue by saying, "All things are lawful for me, but not all things are expedient." In other words, all things that we could do may not edify or build up those around us. In fact, some things that are lawful in the eyes of God will actually hinder our witness and possibly destroy the faith of those who look to us as examples. It may even hinder God's destiny for our lives. In chapter twenty-five of I Samuel, David was so provoked by an evil man named Nabal that David vowed to destroy Nabal and everything that pertained to him. This act of vengeance would have been lawful for David, but it was not expedient. David was destined to become the King of Israel and this act would have been a major blemish in his character and damaged his reputation before others. So David refused to avenge himself or to shed innocent blood in order that this dreadful act would not become an offense in his own heart and also ultimately hinder God's plan for his life.
When we know God and His ways, it is very easy to discern which choices are morally and ethically right and which ones are wrong. Yet, we must remember Paul's words that even though things may be lawful for us, not all things are expedient. If we speak lawful words of truth or speak with the tongues of angels and have not love, we are as a tinkling cymbal. If we prophesy without love, we are nothing. We must follow the pattern of Christ and choose to do those things that edify and give a worthy testimony to the world about us. Choices in life are very hard to make , many of us act upon our Choices to quickly. Take time to think WWJD and you are sure to come out with the right Choice. Often we are in such a hurry in this fast paced world to make decisions for ourselves without thinking, How this would affect the outcome and the others we are witnessing too. Our mouths and words are probably the most important actions in our lives today. They make our character. So I pray that we will stop and think before acting upon our decisions and words.
Sometimes no words or suggestions are needed, a simple hug and smile goes a long way!
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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By Connie Ciccone
This is a story about Choices
The moment to moment ones made;
Choices made without thought
And the Ultimate Price that is Paid.
The last glass of wine that I drank
The last glass of wine that I drank
before I had entered my car;
Did not allow me to stop or to think
of the Lives it would damage or scar.
As I woke from a daze in the hospital
As I woke from a daze in the hospital
not knowing what I had done;
The looks on the faces of my loved ones
were of shock, sorrow, and stun.
I cried from the pit of my soul
I cried from the pit of my soul
when at last the worst was revealed;
Two precious souls that were lost
and my moment of Choices was then sealed.
I reached for the hand of my Father
I reached for the hand of my Father
I cried Please take me not them;
His Choice in that moment of Love
transformed me
and my witness for Him then began.
There are many Choices of Tragedy
There are many Choices of Tragedy
the moment to moment ones made;
will you sacrifice your life for another
Before you enter your car in that way?
I Pray my story of Choices
I Pray my story of Choices
The moment to moment ones made;
will reach inside the soul of your heart
and each Choice you make will be weighed.
For this Is a Story Of Choices
For this Is a Story Of Choices
The moment to moment ones made;
Choices made without thought
And the Ultimate Price that Is Paid.
Connie Ciccone © June 2007
Connie Ciccone © June 2007
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