Are You Following Him?

Faith Filled Thoughts
January 21st, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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Are You Following Him?
Scripture: John 12:26 "If any man serve Me, let him follow Me."
Jesus makes it plain in these words that if we are going to serve Him, we must follow Him. It is a simple choice and we can't have it both ways. We can't live the way of the world while we have the mark of His cross upon our lives any more than we can serve two masters. When we are truly devoted to the Lord's call, we will follow Him wherever He leads and do whatever He asks. We will put to death our hopes in order to follow His will and crucify our own desires so that He can fulfill His purposes in our lives. We will allow our lives to die as a seed in the ground so that His fruit can come forth (Verse 24).
These two simple words from the lips of Jesus, "Follow Me" offer us a wonderful life in His presence. When we choose Christ, we choose a personal relationship with Him. When we follow Him, we go where He goes and we see what He sees. We bond together with Him through our mutual experiences, whether good or bad. From the time that we accept His call and then throughout eternity, we have an assurance that we will be guided by the One who has more wisdom and knowledge than we do. He becomes our Shepherd and we take on the identity of His sheep. We recognize His voice and do not follow another. We are aware that there is something very special about belonging to Him. The world doesn't understand our relationship, but we know Him and we know that He knows us.
It is apparent that in your heart you truly want to serve the Lord or you would not be spending time right now reading this message and following after the things of God. Yet, we all encounter distractions and things that attempt to lead us away from following the Shepherd. There are trials, victories, heartbreaks, and even fears as we journey through life with Jesus, but with every event along our path, we learn more about Him. When Jesus says, "Follow Me," He calls us to be dependent upon Him and to allow Him to be in control of our lives. He continually calls us to new levels and wants us to serve Him. It is not just a place of destination, but it is also a journey. He goes before us and leads us each step of the way. Our obedience in following Him gives us the opportunity to trust Him in a new way and to show our devotion to His call. If we want to serve Him, we must allow Him to be the Lord of our life and follow Him.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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