"God that is more than enough."

Faith Filled Thoughts
March 24th, 2009
By Connie Ciccone
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"God that is more than enough."
Scripture: Genesis 17:1 "I am Almighty God."
The Lord appeared unto Abraham when he was ninety-nine years old and identified Himself as the Almighty God, which in the Hebrew is El Shaddai. El Shaddai was derived from a related word that means mountain or overpowering one, but it is also interpreted as the "God that is more than enough." When God spoke to Abraham, He told Abraham that he was going to be the father of many nations. Abraham and Sarah by natural laws were obviously too old to have children and they laughed at this news. Yet, God declared that He was El Shaddai in their lives. He could do what they couldn't do. Abraham and Sarah didn't need the laws of nature working for them, for they had the Almighty God that is more than enough.
We see all through the scripture that God was truly always more than enough. For forty years, He provided manna for the children of Israel as they journeyed through the wilderness. They had plenty for each day's provision and didn't have to scrimp and save. In fact, there was manna left over each day that they were instructed not to save. When Jesus fed the 5,000, everyone must have had plenty to eat because there were twelve baskets of fish and bread left over. When He fed the 4,000 men, plus women and children, there were seven baskets left over. His provisions surpassed the needs and were always more than enough.
Many times we limit the Holy One of Israel. Our minds are too small to allow our hearts to have faith to receive God's wonderful and miraculous blessings. Yet, He is able to do exceedingly beyond anything that we could ask or think, and provides for us according to His riches, not our own resources. We must stop looking at and worrying over our situations and start looking at God and believing that He can do the impossible for us. He can stretch our funds and multiply our means. You may not choose to believe it, but I have personally seen God multiply soup as I poured it from one container to another in order to share it with those in need. When I finished pouring, there were two full containers and everyone had plenty to eat. That was El Shaddai at work nearly forty years ago, and He hasn't changed. He is still the same today. His simple blessings can overpower the laws of nature and bring miracles into existence. When circumstances challenge our faith, we just need to trust in God and believe that He is still El Shaddai,
The God that is more than enough.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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Hi Connie,
I pray that you are doing much better,I haven't heard from you in a while. Also it seems I have beem
dropped from your devotional. Please
resign me I miss them.
Love and many blessings,
Colleen rvnana3@sbcglobal.net
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