Clean It Up… And Do it now!

Faith Filled Thoughts
May 4th, 2009
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Clean It Up… And Do it now!
If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed (John 8:36, NKJ)
God wants you and me to live in freedom. In the Bible, He says that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. That means you don't have to live worried, depressed, or burdened down by the pressures of life. You don't have to live in condemnation or frustration because God has made a way for you to live light, happy, and free. Now is the time to embrace the joy, the peace, the grace, the wisdom, the provision–everything God has for us!
There's a scripture in the Bible that says, "Where the Spirit of the Lord is there’s liberty." Liberty simply means freedom. It's living without limitations. As a believer in Jesus, God's Spirit lives on the inside of you which means that His liberty is on the inside of you. No matter what limitations you may see in the natural, with God you are not limited; you are not hindered because with Him all things are possible! Take hold of that liberty by faith today and declare, "I am free! Sickness and disease have no hold on me…poverty and lack have no hold on me…worry and anxiety have no hold on me because whom the Son sets free is free indeed!"
The trick of the enemy is to tell you, "Do it tomorrow. You can do it some other time. Do it after you get out of college. These are your party years; do it later."
Don't believe those lies. The Scripture says, "Today is the day of salvation." Today is the day we need to make positive changes in our lives. God is a God of the now, and whatever area He may be dealing with you in, start to do it now. That's the only way you're going to experience His abundant life.
You may wonder why you're not happy and fulfilled. Maybe it is because you're not doing what you know you should be doing. You keep pushing down what God is bringing up.
Understand, God will not force us to live happily. He's given you free will. Every day, you must choose to listen to your conscience, to be good to people, to resist temptation. It's an ongoing process. Human nature always wants to put it off. Do it later.
In the Old Testament book of Haggai, God had spoken to His people about building the temple. But the people said, "The time has not yet come for the Lord's house to be rebuilt." They were saying, "We'll do it later, God. We're just too busy."
I don't believe they planned on putting it off for 16 years, but it kept getting easier to delay. "Well, this is not a good year, it's not convenient." The next year rolled around. "No, let's not do it this year; I've got too much going on."
That's what we do many times: "We'll take care of it next month, but not right now." Next month rolls around, and we say, "Oh, God, I'm going to deal with that, but let me do it a little bit later." Before we know it, we have put something off for a year, five years, even ten years. These people put it off for 16 years.
Notice what happens when we procrastinate. The prophet Haggai lamented, "You need to consider your ways. You have sown much, but you have reaped little. You have earned your wages, but you're putting them in a bag with holes in it."
If you're not happy today, and you're working all the time, but you can't seem to get ahead, you need to consider your ways. When we put off what we know we should be doing, it's like we're trying to fill up a bag that has holes in it. The point of this story is: Start doing what God tells you to do right now.
Don't make excuses. Don't look for a more convenient time. Just do it.
Remember, good intentions are not the same as obedience. If God is speaking to you about areas you've been putting off, don't regard that as condemnation. God is trying to take you to a higher level. If you'll do your part and be quick to obey, you won't fall into the procrastination trap; you won't place your treasure in a bag with holes in it. God wants to do His part; it's time for you to do yours.
Remember, good intentions are not the same as obedience. If God is speaking to you about areas you've been putting off, don't regard that as condemnation. God is trying to take you to a higher level. If you'll do your part and be quick to obey, you won't fall into the procrastination trap; you won't place your treasure in a bag with holes in it. God wants to do His part; it's time for you to do yours.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
With Great Love
Please click below to see something Jesus left for your Spirit!: Unbelievable
Wonderful Connie. I wish I got these n my email but that is okay. I dont mind going to your website. Thank you for this. You always bless me. Every single day!God bless you! Love Kendra
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