Can You Get On and Stay On?

Faith Filled Thoughts
November 21st, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Can You Get On and Stay On?
Scripture: Isaiah 48:17 NIV "This is what the Lord says - your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go."
As we travel our various roads of life, there are separate destinies that await us. Yet often in quest of God's purposes and plans, it seems difficult to 'get on' and 'stay on' the right course because there are so many distractions to lead us away in the wrong direction. Our paths may be diverted by failures and disappointments or sometimes even good things that are not necessarily the right things for our life. It would be great to be like the Israelites who were led by a cloud each day and guided by a fire at night. Or can you imagine being directed by the star of Bethlehem, which led the wise men to their intended destination? With precise signs and wonders like these leading us, it would surely be hard for us to miss God's perfect plan for our life.
God, however, has not ordained these types of supernatural happenings for our daily life. He has given us the witness of His Holy Spirit and His still small voice to guide and direct us. As simple as this plan of communication may sound, however, His presence and His voice is just as phenomenal as signs and wonders. How awesome it is to feel God's presence leading us along the right path. It is just as exciting as the cloud by day or the fire by night, for when God makes His presence known, it is an overwhelming and eternal experience. And too, when God singles us out and speaks distinctly within our spirits, there is no sign or wonder that can compare.
Every time God touches us in a personal and special way, we are changed. His desires become our desires and His choices become our choices. The more we see Him move in our circumstances, the more we realize that His ways truly are better than our ways and His thoughts higher than our thoughts. All of His plans for us are for our good and not evil and they are designed to give us a future and a hope. I have had so many prayer requests that simply to say quicken my heart at these troubling times. But God has planned your steps and your directions to where even though it may seem hopeless, The door on the other side is greater than anything we could have dreamed or even hoped for. Remember through ever Valley he has brought you through. Pause and mediate on this and as He has said this too shall pass. He is our Redeemer and the Holy One of Israel. Isaiah said that the Lord not only teaches or lets you know the right way, He also directs you in the way you should go. God is interested in what is the very best for you. Trust His leadership, for He knows what is ahead and is much wiser than you. As you trust Him, you will find that He always gives you the best when you allow Him to do the choosing.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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