In The Midst Of Trouble?

Faith Filled Thoughts
November 17th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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In The Midst Of Trouble?
Scripture: Psalms 138:7-8 "Though I walk in the midst of trouble, ... the Lord will perfect that which concerns me."
Do you have concerns today for which you have no solutions? Are you right in the middle of a troubled situation and it seems that you are being tossed about in a terrible storm? David was in a dilemma such as this, but he was able to retain his confidence in God. Right in the midst of his turmoil, David declared that God would revive him and raise him up. He trusted God to stretch out His mighty hand, fight for him, and make everything perfect. David knew that God cared for him so he humbled himself before God and cast all of his cares upon Him.
The midst of trouble is a crucial place, but it is the place where God manifests His strength and power. It is a place where Jesus steps up and calms everything with one command, "Peace be still." Like David, Jesus' disciples found themselves in the midst of trouble when their ship encountered a storm. What were the disciples' thoughts when the storm first began? Jesus didn't seem to care at all. He rested as the storm began to approach, and then slept soundly as the storm grew worse. Jesus wasn't trying to help them maintain the ship in the natural or deal with it in the spiritual. While the prince of the air was trying to destroy the ship, the Prince of Peace slept peacefully. Fearful and frustrated, His disciples asked, "Don't you even care that we are about to perish?" Fear and frustration may cause you to feel the same way as the disciples. It may seem that God is not showing any concern at all about your circumstances as they progressively get worse, but He is concerned about every situation.
The Lord promises to perfect everything that concerns you and He is able to take everything that is happening in your life and make it work together for good. There is not one concern that you may have that is too big for Him to handle for He is able to fix every problem in more ways than you could ever dream of. He has ways and solutions that are higher than your ways and His thoughts are higher than your thoughts (Isaiah 55:9). Before you even ask, He has the answer to your problem. When life demands that you walk through trouble, will you cast your cares on the Lord and trust Him to make perfect those things that concern you?
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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