Listen And Be Blessed

Faith Filled Thoughts
November 18th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays
Listen And Be Blessed
Scripture: Deuteronomy 28:8 "The Lord shall command the blessing upon you in your storehouses, and in all that you set you hand to do."
None of us really know what will happen in the future or how to prepare for life's uncertainties, but God gives us a promise in this scripture that can sustain us in every circumstance. He sets the guidelines and conditions for either blessings or testings to come upon our lives. He told us that if we listen diligently to His voice and observe to do all that He commands, He will bless us. His instructions are very simple and very clear.How the blessings will transpire and come to us is up to God.
We don't have to figure it out, for He has plans that are higher than our plans and He can create a blessing that we've never even thought of. Our only responsibility is to obey His voice and when we do, He will command the blessing. This powerful God who intends to command a blessing on us is the same God that spoke the worlds into existence. He started with nothing, but look what He ended up with. His command has power and when He speaks, all nature responds whether visible or invisible.In I Kings, chapter seventeen, we see this principle at work in the life of Elijah.
As he acted in unquestioning obedience to God's word, God commanded blessings to come to him. First, God commanded the ravens to bring him food in the mornings and evenings and provided water from the brook. Then, when the brook dried up, God commanded a widow woman to sustain him. These blessings came to Elijah only because he listened to God's voice and obeyed His word. Had Elijah refused to go to the brook or to the widow's home, he would not have experienced God's blessings and provisions for his life. Not only that, he would have also robbed the widow and her son from receiving a blessing as well. Our obedience always touches the lives of others.
There may come a time when you face an extreme circumstance in your life. Remember that God has already thought it through and He has a plan to match that hour. He not only has a plan, He has the power to command a blessing on the plan and will do just that if you remain under His covering and meet His prerequisite of obedience to His every word.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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There may come a time when you face an extreme circumstance in your life. Remember that God has already thought it through and He has a plan to match that hour. He not only has a plan, He has the power to command a blessing on the plan and will do just that if you remain under His covering and meet His prerequisite of obedience to His every word.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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