Speak Faith Into Your Heart When Lacking

Faith Filled Thoughts
November 19th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Speak Faith Into Your Heart When Lacking
Just Believe!!
Scripture: John 6:9 "There is a lad here, which has five barley loaves, and two small fish: but what are they among so many?"
Jesus gave His disciple, Phillip, an impossible task. He asked Phillip where they could buy enough bread to feed the multitude that was following them. Verse six says that Jesus asked this question to prove Phillip, for Jesus, Himself, knew what He was going to do. Jesus had a solution before He ever presented the problem. I'm sure Phillip must have panicked as he explained to Jesus that they didn't have enough money to buy food for the 5,000 that needed to be fed. Another disciple, Andrew, spoke up and said that there was a lad there who had five loaves of bread and two fish. This was the only resource available and Andrew recognized that it was nothing in comparison to the need. He asked, "What are they among so many?"
We often face similar situations in our own lives where our needs are greater than our resources, whether it is in the material, physical, or spiritual realm. We receive our pay at the end of the workweek but can't seem to stretch it to meet all of our needs. Our duties and responsibilities call upon us but our energies are not quite sufficient to meet the extra demands. God calls us to serve Him in a special way and our abilities are lacking. We look at the challenge before us and it appears to be an impossible task. It is like trying to feed 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish. We ask as Andrew asked, "What good is the little I have when the need is so great?"
This same story is also related in Mark 6:38-44 and gives further insight into what Jesus did concerning the need. First, He organized the people and instructed them to sit in companies. Jesus then took the five loaves and two fish and looked up to Heaven. He didn't look to the natural, but to God the Father, the creator of Heaven and Earth. He had confidence that if God could create bread and fish, He could certainly multiply it. After Jesus focused His thoughts upon God, He blessed the bread. When He blessed the bread and fish He was asking God to do something supernatural. When all was finished, the 5,000 were fed and there were twelve baskets of fish and bread left over. This example should speak faith into our hearts when our resources are lacking. First, we must put things in order the best that we can and then look to Heaven for our solutions. Regardless of how little we have to offer, we must ask for God's blessings to be upon it, for He is our source and He still knows how to multiply. When God blesses, our weakness will turn into strength, our emotional distress will become joy, our material needs will be met according to His riches, and His anointing will empower us and drive away our spiritual lack.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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