When You Look At Jesus What Do You See?

Faith Filled Thoughts
November 20th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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When You Look At Jesus What Do You See?
Scripture: Hebrews 2:9 "But we see Jesus."
"When Leonardo da Vinci had painted his immortal 'Last Supper,' he asked a friend for an evaluation. The friend heaped superlatives on the masterpiece, and especially praised the wine cup by the Lord's hand. At that point, Leonardo blotted out the cup. He was to have said, 'Nothing should distract one's attention from the Lord.'"
When we look at Jesus, what do we see? Do we see the glory of His presence, or do we get distracted by the material things that will benefit us if we serve Him? Do we look at Him as being our Lord and our first love, or do we just serve Him for the honor of our own reputations? Do we give others more honor and adoration than we do God's beloved Son? Do we tend to make our spiritual leaders equal to our Lord and Savior?It is very easy to get distracted from the real picture and see the cup rather than the Savior. Even Peter fell into this trap when Jesus was transfigured before his eyes.
When we look at Jesus, what do we see? Do we see the glory of His presence, or do we get distracted by the material things that will benefit us if we serve Him? Do we look at Him as being our Lord and our first love, or do we just serve Him for the honor of our own reputations? Do we give others more honor and adoration than we do God's beloved Son? Do we tend to make our spiritual leaders equal to our Lord and Savior?It is very easy to get distracted from the real picture and see the cup rather than the Savior. Even Peter fell into this trap when Jesus was transfigured before his eyes.
He watched as Jesus' appearance was totally transformed before him. Jesus' clothes began to shine, glistening like the snow, and then Elijah and Moses appeared with Him. Peter got caught up in the moment, and focusing on the spectacular, he suggested that three memorials be built; one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah. At that moment of distraction, the three were equal in Peter's eyes. Yet when it came to an end, Jesus was the only one that was left remaining, and God's voice spoke with validation, "This is My only begotten Son" (Mark 9:2-8).These words remind us that we are never to build memorials in our spirits that will distract us from the only begotten Son of God. Jesus should always be our main interest, and the One that we focus our attention upon regardless of what else or who else shows up in the scene.
Other ministries and the spectacular may try to lure and distract us like the cup at the Lord's hand in the painting. Even our own talents, work, and ministries may turn into masterpieces that are admired by the world. But like Leonardo da Vinci's response, we too must blot out any beauty and glory that seeks to supersede and overshadow the Lord Jesus. We should allow nothing to draw our attention from Him. Regardless of what is happening around us, whether good or bad, our eyes need to remain on Him. The lyrics of an old song remind us of this thought;
"Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of his glory and grace."
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
With Great Love
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