Give Me A New Heart Oh Lord!

Faith Filled Thoughts
November 6th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Give Me A New Heart Oh Lord!
Scripture: Psalms 51:10 "Create in me a clean heart, O God: and renew a right spirit within me."
Nathan, the prophet, had exposed and brought to light the sin that David had committed in his relationship with Bethsheba. As David owned up to his personal failure and his sin against God, he began to plead for God's mercy, forgiveness, and cleansing and asked God to do something new in his life. He wanted God to create within him something that wasn't there. David needed a clean heart and a right spirit and recognized that without God, he could not change.
This is an awesome revelation! It declares that God is still creator and shows us that we too cannot truly change without the work of the Holy Spirit. We may cover our faults over with pretense for a season, but unless God changes our heart and renews our spirit, our sin nature remains within us and will eventually manifest outwardly. This truth not only applies to the temptations of sin that knock at our heart's door but also to our daily spiritual lack. We may feel the tugging of God's presence in our lives but struggle with the simple things that He calls us to do. This is the reason that we need God to create within our being something that will effect a change.
David's prayer gives us great insight and shows us that we too can pray and ask God to meet any lack that we may have in our lives. God can and will create within us whatever it is that we need if we cry out to Him. You may have lost the passion that you once had for spiritual things. You can ask God to create within you a passion to pursue Him. You can ask Him to create a fresh desire and hunger for His word and a thirst for His Spirit. You will be amazed as He begins to work in those areas. If you find that you no longer worship as you once did in the past or find it difficult to be thankful, ask God to create within you a spirit of thanksgiving, adoration,
praise, and worship for Him.
He will begin to work on those areas, for He loves to be worshiped. If your actions are not as they should be, ask Him to create the fruits of His Spirit within your heart. He longs for you to manifest His fruits. If you feel spiritually lethargic, ask Him to ignite a fire within you and cause you to burn with His glory, for you are the hope of His glory in this Earth. Whatever the need, God desires to make the change within you, but He is never forceful. As He did with David, He will wait for you to yield your heart and submit your spirit to Him.
When you do, He will create and He will renew you!
When you do, He will create and He will renew you!
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
With Great Love
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