Why Our Needs Are Not Met!

Faith Filled Thoughts
November 4th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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Faith Filled thoughts released Monday –Friday excluding Holidays
Why Our Needs Are Not Met!
Scripture: James 4:2 "... You have not because you ask not."
I had a dream several weeks ago. In the dream, I was standing with a lady next to a copying machine. I handed her some sheets that I wanted copied. I waited as she ran the sheets through the copier, one by one. When she finished, she kept the originals and gave the copies back to me. I glanced through the copies and noticed that several of the sheets were blank. I was disturbed as I thought each sheet should have been filled, so I asked the woman why some of the copies had nothing on them. She told me that the sheets came out blank because there was nothing on the original. She said if I wanted something to come back on my copy, I must present something to her on the original. She then proceeded to tell me that these sheets were like my prayers. Some of my prayers were answered, but many of the things I desired and needed had not come back to me because I gave God blank requests. There was nothing for God to respond to. I had floundered around, never truly verbalizing my need to God.
We limit God when we do not make our request known to Him. We stand next to the copier waiting for our answer, only to receive a blank sheet of paper, which is the exact duplicate of what we originally gave to God. We then wonder why our needs are not met. Jesus made it very plain in Matthew 7:7-8 that He wanted us to actually ask God for help and provision. He said, "Ask and it will be given, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone that asks receives, everyone that seeks finds, and everyone that knocks, it will be opened to them."
When you ask in accordance with God's will and with an assurance that it will be given, something new will happen to you. You will start expecting answers to all of your prayers. You will begin to talk to God with the intent of actually receiving a duplicate answer to the original request that you had handed to Him. There will be no blank sheets returned to you and no disappointments. Jesus said, "Ask and you shall receive that your joy may be full" (John 16:24). This is how prayer works - ask and you shall receive.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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