You Are The Apple Of God’s Eye

Faith Filled Thoughts
November 5th, 2008
By Connie Ciccone
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You Are The Apple Of God’s Eye
Scripture: Psalms 17:8 "Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of Thy wings."
The apple of the eye is the pupil, or the darkest part and very center of the eye. It is the most precious part of the eye as it lets the light in and allows the body to see. The eyes are very delicate and demand extreme care and protection, and if lost, the whole body suffers and is left handicapped. David knew the value of his own eyes and the lengths that he would go to in order to protect them, so he prayed and asked God to keep him as safe as God would the very apple of His own eye. The word 'keep' in this text meant to guard, protect, or hide like the eagle hides her young under her wings.In the natural, God made provisions to protect the human eyes. The eyes have eyelashes, eyebrows, and eyelids that guard against small things like dust, dirt, and smoke. The eyes are also deeply entrenched in the skull with bones around them to protect them from further injury. The arms and hands also act instinctively and spontaneously to guard the eyes if something harmful should come in their direction.
The head will turn or duck and even the knees bend to lower the entire body to help the eyes get out of the way of injury. The entire body responds to protect this vital organ and would rather suffer injury itself than to allow the eye to be damaged, for it recognizes that the eyes are precious and irreplaceable.Just as David was kept as the apple of God's eye, so are you. You are a valuable part of God's body and kingdom, and just as you would protect your own eyes from harm, God is there to protect and guard you. If someone were to hit you in the eye, you wouldn't try to hit them back with your eye. Your eye is not designed to fight for itself so the other parts of your body, like the arms and hands, would take up the eye's defense.
In the spiritual realm, God is your defense. God's word says that vengeance belongs to the Lord (Psalms 94:1). Zechariah 2:8 says, "For he that touches you touches the apple of God's eye." In other words, when others come against you, they are touching a very sensitive part of God and He will respond. Verse nine says that "God will shake His hand against those who touch you." When others come against you, you can't fight your own battles, but God can fight for you. Your part is to simply shut your spiritual eyelids to the offense, leave things in God's hands, and pray for those who come against you. You are the apple of God's eyes so rest in Him and allow Him to hide you under the shadow of His wings.
May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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May He Bless You and Keep You Today!
With Great Love
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